
### 主要功效:

1. **清热定惊**:桑根具有清热的作用,可以用来治疗因热引起的惊痫等病症。
2. **祛风通络**:对于风湿痹痛、筋骨疼痛等症状有缓解作用。
3. **利水消肿**:适用于治疗水肿,特别是慢性肾小球肾炎引起的面部肿胀和排尿困难。


4. **降血压**:对高血压有一定的辅助治疗作用。
5. **保护肝脏**:对肝炎患者有一定的保护作用。
6. **降血糖**:对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


### 应用:

1. **治疗呼吸道疾病**:如肺炎、急性支气管炎和肺热症状等。
2. **治疗皮肤病**:如白癜风、湿疹等。


3. **治疗消化系统疾病**:如消渴等。
4. **治疗肌肉和骨骼疼痛**:如风湿性关节炎等。

### 使用方法:

– **内服**:通常需要煎煮后服用,剂量一般在15-30克。
– **外用**:可以煎水外洗,用于治疗某些皮肤病。

### 注意事项:

1. **禁忌人群**:孕妇慎用,因桑根苦寒,且有祛风通络的作用,可能会刺激子宫造成流产。
2. **合理用药**:不要过量服用,过量可能会导致腹痛、腹泻等不良症状。
3. **专业咨询**:在用药前应咨询医生或药师,根据个人体质和病情选择合适的用药方式和剂量。



1. **疏通经络,促进血液循环**:通过按摩、推拿等手法,可以促进经络畅通,加速血液循环,改善局部或全身的生理功能。

2. **调节气血**:理疗可以调节人体的气血运行,对于因气血不畅导致的疾病有很好的预防和治疗作用。

3. **调节脏腑功能**:理疗可以调节人体的脏腑功能,如通过按摩特定穴位,可以增强脏腑的功能,达到预防和治疗疾病的目的。

4. **散瘀镇痛**:理疗可以促进血液循环,散瘀止痛,对于软组织损伤、关节疼痛等疾病有很好的缓解作用。

5. **理筋正骨,滑利关节**:通过手法治疗,可以理顺筋骨,滑利关节,对于骨折、关节错位等疾病有很好的治疗效果。


6. **祛乏提神,美容减肥**:理疗可以改善人体的疲劳状态,增强体质,同时对于美容减肥也有一定的帮助。

7. **预防心脑血管疾病**:理疗可以促进血液循环,对预防心脑血管疾病有良好的效果。

8. **活化细胞,提高生命电能**:理疗可以活化细胞,增加人体生命的电能,提高细胞黏膜的吸收能量,调整人体的电位平衡。

9. **调节神经功能,促进康复**:理疗可以活化神经和肌肉系统,对于神经功能失调、肌肉酸痛等疾病有很好的治疗作用。

10. **消炎作用**:理疗可以通过增加白血球数量,达到灭菌消炎的效果。


11. **止痛作用**:理疗可以缓解由于神经过度紧张而引起的疼痛。

12. **消除疲劳**:适合于白领或亚健康人群进行理疗,以消除疲劳。

13. **特殊理疗方法的作用**:例如,超短波理疗具有消炎、解痉止痛、帮助组织愈合的作用;电微波理疗可以促进局部血液循环,加快炎症组织的吸收。




1. **营养价值高**:巴沙鱼富含高质量的蛋白质,对于身体组织的修复和肌肉生长十分有益。同时,其脂肪含量相对较低,有助于控制饮食中的热量摄入。

2. **健康益处**:


– **心血管健康**:巴沙鱼含有欧米茄-3脂肪酸,有助于降低血脂和防止血管堵塞,对心血管健康有益。
– **抗氧化**:巴沙鱼中的硒元素具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老和增强免疫力。
– **骨骼健康**:含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,如钙,有助于增强骨骼健康。

3. **减肥辅助**:由于其低热量和富含膳食纤维,巴沙鱼是减肥期间的理想食品。适量食用巴沙鱼,可以促进胃肠蠕动,帮助排出体内废物。

4. **易于消化吸收**:巴沙鱼质地细嫩,易于消化吸收,适合各个年龄段的人群,包括小孩和老人。

5. **适合特定人群**:巴沙鱼没有刺,适合那些容易卡到鱼骨的人群,如小孩和老年人。

6. **烹饪方式多样**:巴沙鱼可以用于多种烹饪方式,如红烧、煮、烤或做成鱼排等,适合不同口味和需求的人群。

7. **促进健康**:巴沙鱼具有补气、平咳的作用,对体弱咳喘有一定疗效。同时,其提神和防衰老的功能,对于治疗贫血、早衰以及产后虚弱等也有一定帮助。



1. **宝宝红屁股的护理**:艾叶灰可以用来治疗宝宝的红屁股问题。将艾叶灰与香油混合后涂抹在宝宝的屁屁上,可以有效缓解红屁股症状,并且避免使用含有化学成分的药物可能带来的依赖性。


2. **脚气治疗**:对于脚气问题,将艾叶灰涂抹在患处可以立即止痒,坚持使用几天后,脚气症状可以得到缓解甚至痊愈。如果脚气严重,结合艾灸使用效果更佳。

3. **痘痘治疗**:当面部痘痘发红发肿时,涂抹艾叶灰可以帮助痘痘干瘪并逐渐脱落,而且不会留下痘印。

4. **美容护肤**:将艾叶灰与蛋清、牛奶和蜂蜜混合制作面膜,可以美白肌肤,使皮肤细腻透亮。此外,在洗面奶中加入少量艾叶灰,洗脸后皮肤会感觉特别干净清爽。

5. **除味剂**:艾叶灰是一种天然的除味剂,可以用来去除厕所、厨房或冰箱中的异味,其效果可以与竹炭相媲美。

6. **肥料**:艾草灰可以作为草木灰肥料,将艾草灰拌入土壤中,有利于植物的生长,用艾草灰养的花卉植物生长状况良好。


7. **其他用途**:艾叶灰还可以用于治疗湿疹、湿疮等皮肤问题,以及作为家庭清洁用品的一部分。



1. **牛蒡茶的功效图解**:

– **降血压、降血脂**:图中展示牛蒡茶通过阻断胆固醇肝肠循环,吸收胆汁酸,增加胆盐排出和胆固醇排泄,减少人体脂肪吸收,达到降血压、降血脂的效果。
– **调节血糖**:牛蒡茶含有丰富的水溶性纤维素和菊糖,有利于糖尿病患者的血糖控制,并具有消渴的药理作用。
– **抗衰老**:牛蒡富含蛋白质及多种维生素和微量元素,清理血液垃圾,促使体内细胞新陈代谢,达到抗衰老的效果。
– **排毒养颜**:牛蒡茶含丰富的膳食纤维,能减缓食物释放出的能量,减弱脂肪在体内聚集,加快分解脂肪酸的速度,降低胆固醇,促进心脏健康。
– **增强免疫力**:牛蒡中含有菊糖及挥发油、牛蒡酸、多种多酚物质及醛类,富含纤维素和氨基酸,能增强免疫力。


2. **牛蒡的用途图解**:


– **食用**:牛蒡茶、牛蒡面、牛蒡酥、牛蒡巧克力等。
– **药用**:治疗糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、抗癌等。
– **保健**:牛蒡面霜、牛蒡面膜等。

3. **注意事项**:

– **不适合人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、脾胃虚寒者等。
– **食用量**:适量食用,不宜过量。



1. **利尿消肿**:冬瓜含有的钾盐含量高,钠盐含量低,对于高血压、肾脏病、浮肿病患者有很好的食疗效果,能够达到消肿而不伤正气的作用。


2. **减肥**:冬瓜不含脂肪,热量不高,并且含有丙醇二酸,可以有效地抑制糖类转化为脂肪,对防止人体发胖和增进形体健美有重要作用。

3. **清热解暑**:冬瓜性寒味甘,具有清热生津、解暑去烦的功效,尤其在夏季食用,可以有效地帮助身体降温,消除暑热。


4. **养颜护发**:冬瓜中含有的葫芦巴碱能帮助人体新陈代谢,抑制糖类转化为脂肪,而冬瓜核中的油酸成分则有助于抑制体内黑色素沉积,从而具有润肤美容的作用。

5. **改善心血管健康**:冬瓜含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、脲酶、皂苷B族维生素等,其中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油酸脂,对预防冠心病有益。

6. **美容功效**:冬瓜内含有大量的蛋白质、矿物质和维生素,有助于护肤美白,使肌肤细嫩光滑,头发乌黑光泽。


7. **调节血糖**:冬瓜有助于糖尿病患者调节血糖,适合作为日常饮食的一部分。

8. **促进消化**:冬瓜含有纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化。



After the 17-year Franco-Prussian War, hundreds of thousands of people moved from the eastern part of the empire to the western part, and fields from Silesia and Poznan, West Prussia and East Prussia poured into big cities such as Berlin and Kiel. The young German Empire experienced the largest and longest population migration upsurge in history, and Kiel was also the beneficiary of the migration. Many eastern and eastern Prussia immigrated to married with children to this harbor that was favored by Poseidon.

It is true that the sculpture of the warrior soul by Ernst-Ballach, located in front of Nicholas Cathedral and the church in the city center, has stood for a hundred years after wind and rain; The story of a century-old oak tree in the suburbs is still budding and continuing; Kiel Bay, with its blue waters, is still quietly waiting for the annual sailing week, when the world sailing enthusiast Yunkiel breaks the waves; Kiel naval base has inherited the German naval dream. Saxony-class and Brandenburg-class armored ships are quietly anchored. Kiel, an important seaport city along the Baltic Sea at the starting point of Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, the capital of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, has never lacked romance and psychology. Wang Haidi seems that it is still not Plato’s utopia or Moore’s utopia.
In 1994, the aftermath of Germany’s economic crisis in 173 is about to dissipate, and the haze has gradually moved away from the unification of the German people’s empire, breaking the shackles of Germany’s economic development. This young country is full of vigor and vitality, but its rulers and people still lack experience in governing the country.
The closed and conservative rural areas have been broken, and many old-fashioned people are famous. While jumping around and cursing all new things, the nobles carefully began to invest in factories and enterprises. The factory with dark chimneys was built, and the ancient city walls were pushed to the clear water, the sand and the white Rhine gradually became dirty, and the city expanded several times like a monster that swallowed everything; Farmers were deprived of their land and driven to cities full of opportunities and disasters, and the exhaustion of oppression by new businessmen led to a 19-year strike in Ruhr and Silesia.
In the southeast corner of Kiel city, large tracts of wooden shacks and uniform mortar bungalows are piled up in disorder. Smoke wafts from the industrial area, and smoke can’t be dispersed all day long. Industrial and domestic sewage roads flow freely. Hunger and warmth are struggling for the poor to drag their tired bodies around, and the consequences brought about by excessive expansion of the city are revealed. This is a secret scar behind Kiel. There are violence, hunger, waiting and fleeing in confusion.
After the rain, the slum is far from being as graceful as people think. It is full of desperate gray tones. Heidi Selim lives in that dilapidated cabin. The moth-eaten wooden board and the old waterproof skin can’t stop the infiltration of stagnant water, accompanied by penetrating raindrops and marginal darkness, humidity and decay.
The sound of matches scratching and clapping sounded alternately. Blunt instigated the newly cultivated cigarette addiction to be put out by Anne instantly. A small piece of old newspaper and inferior tobacco leaves were suddenly scattered all over the floor. Anne, the little daughter of Wang Haidi’s neighbor, Shrek, grinned at him. If you dare to pick it up, I will fight with you desperately.
"Don’t let people pretend to be deep and play melancholy?" Although I miss the smell of cigarettes, Wang Haidi dare not test little Annie’s bottom line, so she has to take back the matchbox and carefully play with the painting tools that he regards as treasures.
Heidi Selim, a porter who just came back from the dock near dinner, stole a little leisure wooden shack while boiling water, and set up a drawing board. In the dim light outside, Haidi sat on a small bench, holding a sketching pen with a leftover pen and cocked her head to try to smooth out the waste paper and copy his impression of the world. Fifteen-year-old Anne was crouching over Haidi, bared her teeth and forced her to draw a chrysanthemum grass.
Sketch, fine brushwork, shadow shading When I was in college, I chased my little girlfriend and studied hard to practice my art skills. Anne also kept yelling at Wang Haidi’s ear to see the chrysanthemum grass, but Wang Haidi was somewhat absent-minded and distracted. A colorful and attractive KFC roast chicken printed paper. Wang Haidi remembered that he had not eaten seriously for a long time.
"Is this the chrysanthemum grass you gave me?" Annie’s pout can almost hang a soy sauce bottle. Wang Haidi is holding her hand like a stomach stand. It’s so embarrassing that someone has diverted Annie’s attention.
"There’s a letter for you from Mr. Heidi Selim." A motorized bicycle crossed the street and stopped in front of a wooden hut. The muddy path was covered in dark green. The postman took out a courier from his bag and carefully compared the house number. He shouted to Wang Haidi.
"my mail?" Wang Haidi put away her brush and was surprised. Except for Catherine, who was madly in love, Wang Haidi couldn’t think of anyone who would send a letter to him. He lived in Kiel and never lived in Kiel.
"If you are Mr. Heidi Selim," the postman said with a good-natured smile on his foot.
Wang Haidi tightened her legs and managed to fit her shoes. She limped past and took the letter from the postman.
It was a beautifully packaged letter. The white snow letter was sealed with the portrait of Humboldt brothers. Haidi guessed the source of the letter vaguely. She was afraid of being covered with lead marks and dirt. Her old clothes were wiped and wiped until the thick calluses on her fingertips were clearly visible. Heidi reached out and took the light letter.
"Congratulations, Mr. Selim-Heidi can be admitted to Berlin University. You can be regarded as a breath earned by Kiel people." The postman, who has always respected German knowledge, patted Heidi’s powerful arm with a heartfelt smile.
"Is it the University of Berlin?" Little Anne stared at her eyes and covered her mouth with surprise. "It’s Berlin University!"
The University of Berlin, formerly known as Friedrich-Wilhelm University in Berlin, is located in the center of Berlin. The former King Henrich’s Palace is the oldest university in Berlin, Germany. It was founded in 19 years by Humboldt, the most famous educator in German history. It is the starting point of the rise of Germany’s higher education. German universities practice elite education. After graduation, most of them can become government officials or employees of large enterprises. Wang Haidi can get one out of ten thousand, which means that he can escape from the desperate area of Kiel slum. In view of this, it is strange that the enthusiastic postman will applaud him.
The wealth of the second generation can’t compare with the wealth of the second generation. They can always pass the college entrance examination. With tragic psychology and foresight, Hathaway urged Wang Haidi to look at Tim Kroeger’s middle school classmates with cynicism and apply for the most cowardly traveler in the history of Berlin University. Wang Haidi finally made a great achievement that barely deserved to be a traveler.
Wang Haidi’s agitation didn’t last long. When I thought of Hathaway’s serious illness, debt and ruthlessness, Uncle Schneider’s good mood was swept away in an instant.
The postman has gone far by bike, and it seems that there is still a little admiration and praise in the wet air. Wang Haidi, who often moves heavy objects, pressed the envelope and tore it open with a complicated and tangled smile.
The letter with the principal’s personal seal and excellent quality floated out. It was neither long nor as colorful as the admission notice of Nanjing University of Science and Technology in later generations. Just like the rigorous scholarship of German universities, the letter mentioned Wang Haidi’s admission major, school date and matters needing attention, but it was such a few hundred words that Wang Haidi was overwhelmed with mixed feelings.
Wang Haidi looked at the notice and hesitated at the portrait of the Humboldt brothers in the envelope. "Is it Berlin or Kiel?"
Annie made a sudden snatch and took the letter from Wang Haidi. Although she didn’t know much, she was still curious. It seemed that she was more excited than Wang Haidi to toss and turn the thin letter paper.
"This still have to consider? Berlin, of course! "
The economic crisis in 1173 lasted the longest and hit hardest in the 19th century. The impact of the economic crisis lasted from 173 to the end of 19th century.
The first chapter of the first twenty years is Berlin or Kiel (3)
In the dark wooden shack, the small coal stove was on fire, and the boiling water kettle was boiling, and the hot steam was constantly rushing to squeeze the lid of the kettle. Anne was still cheering, but Haidi made a sudden snatch to take back the letter, stuffed it back into her pocket and plunged into the darkness.
A little spark flashed through the darkness with a pungent smell of white phosphorus. Haidi pulled up the kerosene lamp lampshade and lit the wick. At the moment, the dark room began to have a little light.
"There’s no lamp oil again." Looking at the kerosene left in the kerosene lamp, Wang Haidi couldn’t help but take out a few five-finned nickels in her pocket and fiddle with them to thank the dead and wounded. The 19-year strike made the empire compromise with the workers and set up a relatively perfect public welfare body, so that Wang Haidi could receive a poor bailout.
Wang Haidi, who has an accounting qualification certificate, has broken her fingers and calculated patiently. Even primary school students are disdainful of doing arithmetic so that hard life can continue.
"Looks like another expensive expense …"
"Heidi, aren’t you going to learn?" Deep in the wooden shack came the sound of old age and weakness, followed by the creaking of the bed board under pressure
It was Heidi Selim’s seriously ill mother, Hathaway, and Haidi hurried over with a kerosene lamp.
Hathaway, I have graduated from high school.
As the lights approached, Hathaway’s scrawny figure gradually emerged. In less than three months, Hathaway’s disease deteriorated sharply, and she was in the late stage of cancer. Because it was difficult to supplement nutrition, her whole body was sunken, and even the skeleton threads on her chest were clearly visible. Her hair had fallen off, leaving a bare skull and bleak lights. Hathaway was like a skeleton from hell.
Hathaway was already in the middle stage of cancer when Wang Haidi first crossed over. She hid her illness from her family, took good care of the hero and saved her head from serious injury. Wang Haidi left all the best and expensive drugs to Heidi until she never got up again. Hathaway had already lost her mind and most of the time was a little delirious, but even so, because a mother and her son could love her, she still wanted Heidi to learn.
Wang Haidi crossed over and occupied Heidi Selim for no reason. She enjoyed Hathaway and Fresi’s love without any impurities. Since she can’t go back, Wang Haidi also regards Hathaway and Fresi as her own relatives and is determined to honor them and do her duty for Heidi Selim.
"Oh, is it time for dinner?" Hathaway lisped and asked, "Is it time to eat?"
Wang Haidi nodded and dragged the small dining table covered with rags, and put the cup with brown sugar and a piece of dry brown bread together. Hathaway didn’t have the strength to eat alone. Wang Haidi picked up the old Hathaway, picked up the piece of hard brown bread, broke it into small pieces and fed it to her bit by bit with brown sugar water.
"Heidi, why don’t you eat?" Hathaway saw that her son had never touched the dishes, knives and forks, and she wondered
"I’ve eaten." After a while, the little piece of black bread disappeared from Wang Haidi’s fingertips. Wang Haidi hid in the shadow of lights and rubbed his hungry stomach. "I recently helped Mr. Shrek take care of his fruit stand, and the reward was two meals a day."

What’s the difference between old Deng Liwei’s mouth gun and not? The reporter just wanted to ask old Deng Liwei to reach out and leave the back of his head directly to the reporter to speed up the pace and walk to the player channel.

Old Deng Liwei said to the players in the Clippers’ home locker room, "There are so many idiots in this world who always ask such stupid questions. Only a fool will tell others what to do at halftime."
Clippers players laughed. The team played well at halftime and entered halftime with a six-point advantage. The most important thing is that they seem to have found a way to deal with the Spurs, especially in these two games. Artest is in a very good mood. If the Spurs can be successfully eliminated to create a black miracle, then no matter where the Clippers go this season, no matter whether they will stay in the Clippers every year or not, one contract without him will be a contract of ten million levels.
"Mom coach not have opinions to us? Why did Artest and Mobry become the main players in these two games? Our shots are plummeting compared with the previous two games. We are the core … the team leader … "
"How dare you say that you shot nine times at half-time and hit three goals? Besides, your shots are not short. Do you still want to shoot thirty times in a game like Kobe?"
"What’s the matter with the line? Didn’t O ‘Neill shoot more than twenty times that year? "
"Cut the crap. You brush a little less in the playoffs. If you want data, you can brush more rebounds and assists or block more shots and steal more times. These data are just as important. Do you have to just stare at the score?"
Ji Guosheng really focused on scoring season. At one time, he thought it would be good to score more than 15 points in a game. Later, he easily achieved this goal, so his ambition increased. At this time, Ji Guosheng thought that a game would be qualified if he scored 1 point, so that his statistics would look good. He also achieved this goal for half a season. At this time, Ji Guosheng saw Durant’s rookie season data, and he put his goal on 2 points per game.
Whether you can get an average of 2 points per game in the first season is often regarded as a watershed for superstars. According to the statistics of nba in recent decades, it can be found that most of the players who later became superstars scored more than 2 points in the first season, or to put it more accurately: players who averaged more than 2 points per game in the first season later became superstars.
Ji Guo’s shame is that he finally scored 2 points per game. However, he never thought that if he reduced his unreasonable shots during the regular season, his shooting percentage might rise to 5%, so that he would become the first rookie player in nba history to enter the 1 ST club. Isn’t this title more comprehensive than averaging 20 points per game in the first season?
Although most of the players who averaged 2 points per game in the first season became superstars, they also failed to meet this requirement. Later, many players became superstars, such as Kobe Bryant and McGrady.
At this time, Old Deng Liwei interrupted the thoughts of the two brothers and said, "At half time, they will definitely take a lot of pick-and-roll and positioning cover to deal with us. We will also take a pick-and-roll to deal with them at half time. Old Thomas and Oberto are slower in the pick-and-roll defense. At half time, their speed will be slower after physical exertion. Brother Panda will play pick-and-roll with outside players when he has the opportunity."
Ji Guo was ashamed at this time and quickly asked the old Deng Liwei, "What about me, coach?" Do I want to pull out more and play pick-and-roll with my teammates at half time? "
Old Deng Liwei shook his head: "Don’t I remember saying in previous games that Duncan is still the best line in the league’s anti-pick-and-roll ability. Today, if you play against him, you just pull him out of the three-point line and consume his strength."
"But what if he doesn’t come out with me?"
"This simple Spurs has a Duncan, no matter which one of you he defends, the other one will be responsible for my offense. Is that clear?"
The visiting team locker room * * Vicky is also upset at this time. Duncan does have a twin who will always be released regardless of whether he defends against the national enemy or the national humiliation on the outside. Now he has two choices: let old Thomas defend the panda brother in the low position like half-time. This old Thomas can barely win, but the disadvantage is that Duncan will consume more physical strength to defend the fox brother who is running around the field.
The second option is to let Duncan defend Brother Panda in the low post and then let Oberto defend Brother Fox on the outside.
The half-time game will soon be seen by everyone. After much consideration, I still think that Duncan will cramp before the end of the game if he continues to follow Fox’s brother around the court at half-time.
Oberto’s performance in these games is not as amazing as last season. Oberto has also slipped this season. Anyway, the Spurs are slipping except for the gdp combination. Oberto now looks very embarrassed when facing his twin brother or younger brother. Fortunately, the clippers’ main attack direction at half-time is still the perimeter. Mobry and Artest take turns to storm the line
Ji Guo Chou He Ji Guo shame shifted to the outside teammates to pull, but I didn’t expect Artest to be fouled twice by Bruce Bowen in less than two minutes at halftime. The Clippers beast has already fouled four times.
Bowen changed Artest’s defensive style greatly at half-time, which was * * Vichy’s idea. Spurs coach asked Bruce Bowen to treat Artest like LeBron James, and predicted that he would get stuck before he broke through the route, making Artest hit people with the ball.
Artest is much clumsier than LeBron James. It is very difficult to stop when he breaks through, so he was predicted by experienced Bruce Bowen twice in a row, which caused a foul when he hit someone with the ball.
Old Deng Liwei knows it’s not good. Bruce Bowen killed Artest, but he didn’t look satisfied. Then he moved from the third position to the second position. This is to prepare for defending Mobry, an old cat who performed well at half-time.
The Clippers quickly changed James Posey to the third position, and Artest Clippers field became: Billups, Mobry, James Posey, national humiliation and national hatred.
Artest went to the Clippers’ half-court tactics, but Oberto’s pick-and-roll ability has not changed. Compared with last year, the national humiliation has been degraded. Both of them have strong breakthrough ability in picking and rolling with Billups Mobry on the outside, but considering that defending Mobry is Bruce Bowen’s Clippers player’s consciousness, he has avoided this point, playing Billups more than Mobry.
Mr. Billups knows it’s time for him to show his performance. After the pick-and-roll with Ji Guoshi, he will concentrate half of his energy on the ball. After breaking through the attraction defense, Ji Guoshi may get a misplaced shot. Facing Parker’s misplaced defense, Fox’s younger brother can choose the in-situ jumper.
If the Spurs don’t change their defenses, they will delay Billups’ breakthrough. It is not difficult for Billups to score himself. Anyway, the Spurs just can’t prevent the Clippers from taking care of the front and the back.
In the third quarter of the Clippers, Billups and Ji Guojiao’s pick-and-roll cooperation made the Spurs hard to prevent. * * Vicky was not prepared for Mobry and James Posey to complete the outside-line three-pointer and Ji Guojiao also pulled Duncan to the outside field to complete the two-on-two duel.
On the defensive end, the Spurs’ combination of Parker and Oberto can’t defend against the national humiliation and Billups, while on the offensive end, the Clippers can defend against the Spurs’ pick-and-roll cooperation. On the defense of the two brothers, the pick-and-roll ability of the two civil air defense is not inferior to Duncan’s. Thanks to their younger and better sports ability and telepathy, this big killer, the Spurs’ pick-and-roll attack, finally turned into a forced shot, and the shooting percentage was very low.
Si Long couldn’t help but sweat when he saw the twins’ defensive pick-and-roll ability in front of the camera. The Spurs had other offensive means besides pick-and-roll, but the Jazz’s half skill was in pick-and-roll cooperation. Once they met twins, wouldn’t it lose half of their attack power?
* * Vicky is very painful on the sidelines. Counting this game, they haven’t played their pick-and-roll tactics for four games. They can get offensive opportunities by relying on more complicated positioning, cover and coordination. Sometimes the Spurs coach thinks that they are more efficient than picking and rolling.
In the third quarter, 6 minutes and 3 seconds, Ginobili suddenly retreated to make a three-point shot in the face of Mobry’s defensive breakthrough …
Ginobili threw this ball with a very high arc, and the basketball "swish" fell into the basket and entered the net!
The score is 62:55. The Spurs have been widened to 10 points by the Clippers, but at this time, the Argentine demon knife, the ace of the Spurs, stabbed the Clippers again.
Old Deng Liwei hurriedly called a pause for Ginobili’s play. It is the best choice to call a pause immediately. Sometimes a pause can make this demon knife return to its own scabbard.
After the pause, the demon knife was temporarily put away and the French sports car roared again.
Duncan was in the center to help Parker catch the blue ball and throw it quickly outside the penalty area. This is a long-distance throw. From the third game, Parker and Ginobili temporarily strengthened this shooting method to train the twins to help defend. It is too threatening. They must shoot it quickly outside the penalty area so as not to be affected by the twins’ help defense.
The two teams still don’t know that coach Si Long is whispering in his heart at this time. Although it seems that the Spurs are going to counterattack, the Clippers over there have also been scoring points. This game is still a bigger win for the Clippers. It is time for them to strengthen their training. This long-distance throwing round should be able to send a field …
Chapter two hundred and twenty Hate little fox
At the end of the third quarter, the score was 69:62
Parker and Ginobili struggled to break through a lot of shots at half-time, but they still hit a lot and grabbed the score by this desperate play.
Ji Guoqiu scored 1 rebound, 5 assists and 3 blocked shots, Ji Guoshame scored 15 points, 2 assists and 4 blocked shots, Billups scored 12 points and 4 assists, Artest scored 14 points and 3 rebounds and Mobry scored 16 points.
Duncan scored 14 points and rebounds, Ginobili scored 12 points, Parker scored 14 points and 2 assists, Finley scored 1 point, Oberto scored 4 points and Bruce Bowen scored 3 points.
"I don’t believe that they can always maintain such a high hit rate?" Ji Guoshi sent out two blocks in a single quarter, and the two of them sent out three blocks in the third quarter. Ginobili and Parker’s breakthrough way and barely shot will inevitably be blocked by the opposing linemen.

Jing Lin, a crazy student, was reminded of this phenomenon.

Occasionally, goshawk, snow fox, snow wolf and ferret can be seen … These big snow mountain animals have never been seen in recent six or seven years.
It’s impossible for a crazy student to stay in this cave all the time. When the weather is good, he is usually self-sufficient outside and looking for food in the snow-capped mountains … That’s why only a really excellent expert can do it. How can an ordinary person starve to death in this snow-capped mountain long ago?
And in the past six or seven years, I really haven’t had meat.
Put the saber on my stomach and smell it. My eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter … That’s right. Lin has to do daily work and deal with zombies every day. Over the years, his body has been very heavy, and even sulfuric acid washing can’t wash it off.
Mu Kuang was born and stayed for a while.
Suddenly I grabbed Lin and stretched out my hand in Lin’s body … Then Lin’s bones and muscles returned to normal and moved, but it still hurt a little.
Lin knew that this crazy boy believed him.
I am crazy and said, "Take me to see the mountain!"
"good!" Lin packed up his things and went to the door to look at the iron gate and asked, "What’s wrong with the old man’s door?"
Mu Kuangsheng said, "Dial!"
Lin turned to look at the iron plate, the iron gate, and there was no pulley on the iron gate surface … It would definitely take several thousand kilograms of strength to dial it. If you wear armor, it would be no problem to tear up the iron gate, but now you can’t do it if you are a flesh root.
If Lin can’t do it himself, he will retreat to one side and look at Mu Crazy’s hand and two handprints creaking on the iron gate … The iron gate will be hit.
A master is a master!
Really worthy of being the ultimate training guide!
Out of the door, I longed for crazy life and then gave the iron gate to follow Lin’s floating car to fly to the mountain.
Chapter one hundred and fifteen The smell of death!
"What do you call an old man?"
"I am crazy!"
Floating car Lin and longed for crazy life chatted, most of them were Lin, and longed for crazy life to listen.
"For the old man, I’ll tell you something about the zombie characteristics and most of the zombies in Resident Evil are the same. There are some different places …"
At some point, Lin went to the town at the foot of Daxueshan Mountain.
The quiet town is very quiet, and it is because of this quiet that the desire for crazy life is even more uneasy. After all, hearing is empty and seeing is true.
The floating car has just arrived in the town. In the town, it is still or wandering around. The zombie department is coming in the direction of the floating car.
For more than six years, zombies have not been eliminated yet. One by one, they are agile and normal people can do it. Now zombies can do it … even higher than normal people, running faster and stronger.
"Mr. Mu, look for yourself!" Lin parked the floating car in the town street and looked at the zombies in the middle of the street. He photographed thousands of zombies in the whole street … This refers to humanoid zombies, not counting those zombies, chickens, ducks, cows, horses and sheep.
Mu Kuang gave birth to a whole person as if he were petrified. Without disturbing him, Lin quietly let the floating car float in the water … For a long time, Mu Kuang gave birth to a very heavy mouth and said, "Go to the city!" "
Urban zombies are even more exaggerated. Hundreds of thousands of zombies are gathering together. At the same time, they raise their heads and breathe deeply as if to suck them away, so the clouds in the sky are reduced a few minutes.
"How did this happen?" The crazy voice is very calm.
Lin looked back at his face and said, "A man named Bayrou did it!"
Mu Kuangsheng asked, "Is the whole planet like this?"
Lin said, "All the animals in the snow-capped mountains failed to escape the fate of becoming zombies."
Mu Kuangsheng asked, "What are you going to do now?"
Lin looked at the crazy life and said, "What do you mean, I’m not a living person … but it’s also that you’re not 90 years old and have ten lives. You’ve reached the point where you don’t care if you can continue to live."
Desire crazy life looked at Lin light said "and so on outside people will be the antidote to this virus research …"
Lin left the pie mouth and said, "Wait … Hehe. Do you know what these zombies are like when they first appeared? I tell you that zombies just appeared when the zombie virus just broke out. Zombies are very weak. Adults can limp when they become zombies. Those birds can’t fly. Animals will fall when they walk … "
"And now you see there are birds turning into zombies, so it’s not like zombies to run and jump."
"Before these have a distance close to one or two meters, they may not be discovered by nearby zombies … Now hundreds of meters and kilometers are discovered."
"Continue to wait for these zombies to evolve into what kind"
"If you want to wait, you have to wait for them to give it to us … you must find the pathogen now to develop an antidote to the virus before we are killed by zombies."
Lin felt a burst of anger and anger, and it was as true as it was.
Lin lived for nearly 30 years in his previous life, then spent more than 20 years in the first special training, and then he studied in the chair of the Secret Institute for four or five years and took the second special training. Now seven years have passed … It’s almost seventy years since the back and forth, and it’s considered that he has experienced many vicissitudes. His acting skills have been quite good.
Lin Mu is trying to find the pathogen in this Yaxing plane and learn from him slowly … But this crazy life is really a master of seclusion and not joining the WTO, especially now that the world has become like this, there is no idea of joining the WTO.
Mu Kuangsheng gave Lin a faint look and said, "Send me back!"
Lin is also a light look at the longed for crazy life didn’t answer immediately car flew in the direction of the big snow mountain.
Send Mu crazy life back to the big snow mountain to watch the sky and peak forest, and leave directly without saying anything.
It was a day later that Lin came to the cave where Mu Kuangsheng lived again and knocked on the iron gate.
Mu Kuangsheng dialed the iron gate and stared at Lin and asked, "What are you doing here this time?"
"Mu old man, let me ask you a favor …"
"What can I do for you?"
Lin took out a piece of black virus nucleus from his pocket and handed it to Mu Kuangsheng. "This is the virus nucleus. Can you smell this virus nucleus?"
"Virus core!" Mu Kuang sheng took the virus nucleus and put it on his nose. He sniffed it with a frown and sniffed it carefully again. For a long time, most of the virus nucleus dissipated in the air. Mu Kuang sheng was still smelling the virus nucleus. Lin Mu Kuang sheng said yesterday that the virus nucleus thing also knew about the volatilization of the virus nucleus.
Knowing that when the whole virus nucleus disappeared, a wisp of special smell poured into the nose of Mu Kuang Sheng, and Mu Kuang Sheng’s eyes lit up before he slowly looked up at Lin and said, "It smells like death!"
Lin blinked what is the smell of death … then shook his head at Mu Kuangsheng and said, "I don’t understand!" "

Mu Feng didn’t directly ask the ghost emperor what skills he had, but instead asked about his team. This question left a lot for the ghost emperor to answer. Of course, Mu Feng also took the initiative to give the ghost emperor the initiative to speak.

Ghost emperor Bai Mufeng, of course, smiled slightly at Mu Feng, and then the ghost emperor said, "OK, just watch. When the water array of the kite leaves is finished, our team will explain in detail that you are in charge of the attack, and I will call you when it is finished."
"Ghost emperor to Mu Feng said with a smile.
When Mu Feng questioned the Emperor of the Ghost, the two-second limit had expired. When Huang Fuke was about to recover, three blue pillars were suddenly stretched out from the surface beside Huang Fuke, depicting strange runes. The water column was more than one meter high. In the middle of it, there was an S-shaped rune symbol "Om …" After the rune symbol was stretched out, it suddenly lit up and gave off a golden light. Then Huang Fuke suddenly floated up and his body color suddenly turned into water blue.
"Don’t be nervous, everyone. This is the water array of Ye Yuan, which can bind HuangFuKe with water for 3 seconds. You can rest assured to attack." Seeing Mu Feng and others looking at the water column next to it, the attack is all a stagnation of ice and snow wind chimes. They quickly explained that hearing the ice and snow wind chimes explain that Mu Feng and the ghost emperor are also at ease. They are puzzled about the water array and continue to attack HuangFuKe in close quarters. When attacking, they feel cool and refreshing, but they feel comfortable. Surely HuangFuKe must be suffering at this time.
Listen to the ghost emperor Mu Feng silently smiled in my heart and explained it later. I don’t know how long it will be. I didn’t say what I thought. Mu Feng nodded slightly at the ghost emperor and agreed to the ghost emperor’s opinion. While others, one of them just didn’t think about attacking HuangFuKe. Mu Feng and the ghost emperor were worried about tactics and personnel skills distribution orders, and they didn’t care.
After seeing Mu Feng nod, the ghost emperor also turned his head slightly and looked at the ghost brake, the rain and Yunling around him. Then he said in their team channel, "Ghost brake, you come first, then the rain and finally Yunling."
"Boss doesn’t reserve skills?" Yunling asked the ghost emperor in the team channel while attacking, with a little excitement in his eyes. When Yunling questioned, the ghost brake and the rain also looked at the ghost emperor Yunling in order. It was no accident that the ghost emperor once said that although it would be very difficult to fight against Huangfu Ke at the beginning of the battle, it was absolutely forbidden to show hidden skills even if he died.
The ghost emperor turned his eyes twice and then answered, "I won’t keep your skills from now on!" " Get the ghost emperor answer ghost brake, rain, Yunling and others also can’t help but chuckle from the bottom of my heart. Ghost emperor boss is still so wretched and chuckle. Ghost brake has moved lightly behind HuangFuKe.
"Hua …" Leaf kite water array also arrived at this time when the three water columns suddenly collapsed, which was not covered with water.
"Hum …" At this time, the purple dagger in the hand of the ghost brake was fiercely bright, and at the same time, the ghost brake hand deeply pierced HuangFuKe’s body with purple light. At the moment, HuangFuKe’s body twitched violently, and his face suddenly became purple. Quickly, the dagger was pulled out of the shoulder of the ghost brake, and two big green eyes were fiercely lit up. At the same time, Mu Feng’s heart was also shocked. This skill Mu Feng had seen seemed to be a ghost brake sneak attack skill, and even the stab three skills were particularly high.
Mu Feng was surprised to see the green eyes shining at the shoulder of the ghost brake. Someone was angry, and that person was the peripheral sky falling. Once upon a time, the ghost brake was this skill that killed itself by sneak attack. I bit my teeth and glared at the ghost brake. You are waiting for me. One day, I want you to know that I am falling badly. I want you all to die! Kneel at my feet in the sky! Yun Tian fell secretly cursing.
"Click Cha ….." As Mu Feng thought, the ghost brake dagger instantly stabbed HuangFuKe with three injuries, piled up in a pile and floated up. After watching the injuries and then watching the ghost brake, Mu Feng felt that the ghost brake disappeared in front of his eyes, and then he appeared a few meters away, shaking slightly and making a slight sound.
"Brush …" When the ghost brake body moves again, it has already come to the front of HuangFuKe, and the damage slowly floats. This is the ghost brake possessed by a madman, and the ghost brake is also desperate.
Mu Feng thought silently in his heart, and at this time, he told Mu Feng that the damage of the five-level summoning has been accumulated. Mu Feng’s heart is not a happy figure. I don’t know what lords will be summoned this time
"Blare ….." With the huge purple aperture, ghosts suddenly appeared in the crowd’s ears. Looking at the purple aperture suddenly appeared behind Mu Feng, everyone was staring with excitement and expectation. Everyone had heard about the strong Lord of Ma, but they all heard that they had never seen it with their own eyes. At this time, the horse was going to fight with the Lord of Ma, and everyone was not excited.
Chapter one hundred and eleven Lord Coase Barr
"Blare ….." With the huge purple aperture, ghosts suddenly appeared in the crowd’s ears. Looking at the purple aperture suddenly appeared behind Mu Feng, everyone was staring with excitement and expectation. Everyone had heard about the strong Lord of Ma, but they all heard that they had never seen it with their own eyes. At this time, the horse was going to fight with the Lord of Ma, and everyone was not excited.
It is still a purple mask. Looking at the central white of the purple aperture, I can’t help but feel nervous. Because by summoning Mu Feng from Diart, I know that for the four underworld lords to summon them, the white and purple skull patterns will first change, and then different patterns will represent their respective summoning.
"Zhang Zhang …" Mu Feng silently read aloud in his heart. If he remembers that there is no mistake, Diart’s head will be wide open and then it will continue to expand, and finally there will be a Mori mouth.
"Poop-hoo …" Oddly, the head in the trap turned slowly to one side as if it were alive. Finally, in Mu Feng’s stunned eyes, it became a side face head image. Then the head seemed to chuckle slightly, and the black rim of the eye suddenly flashed purple light. Then the purple light continued to expand and spread, and finally the whole head occupied the past and formed a purple round hole.
"Well …" Seeing such a situation, Mu Feng is also one-eyed to see that it is necessary to summon a new Lord of the underworld. Seeing this, Mu Feng is not excited. Will this summons Lord of the underworld be stronger than some Diart or weaker than some Diart? If it can summon the strongest Lord of the underworld, it would be best. Mu Feng thought excitedly.
"Woo hoo ….." At this time, an animal roared out of the summoning black hole and suddenly heard this creepy roar. Everyone couldn’t help but shake and looked at the deep black summoning cave. Everyone didn’t notice that when the ghost emperor ancient magic dragon Theseus heard this roar, he was first stunned and then slowly turned to this side with a face of horror.
"Listen to this sound, it should be a Yi Long monster, right, Mu Feng? Aren’t you calling the Lord of the underworld?" Crazy Niu Yin was confused in the team channel.
I wonder what Mu Feng can say about the mad cow. Perhaps it is their first thought that has influenced them. This virtual call is not necessarily the Lord of the underworld, but also other powerful creatures in the underworld.
Thought of here, Mu Feng thought of a hypothesis. Maybe this dragon roars as a surface Lord mount, which can make the dragon as a mount … Mu Feng can make the dragon as a mount. Then this time, summoning the Lord of the underworld must be very powerful. Mu Feng is excited. At this time, Mu Feng also feels that he seems to have delayed enough time. Let him kill HuangFuKe first, and then he returns to the battlefield with Mu Feng’s sword of thunder.
When the ghost brake limit skill is finished, it’s raining. See the rain suddenly draw a white feather arrow from behind, draw a bow and shoot an arrow, and draw a silvery white beam. The silvery white arrow deeply sinks into Huangfuke’s body in a moment, and then the arrow slowly sinks. From the end, Huangfuke didn’t move until the arrow finished and entered Huangfuke’s body. Huang Fuke took a long breath in pain, and then his eyes suddenly fainted … At his side, Mu Feng and others imagined the specific effect of this arrow in the rain. Mu Feng and others didn’t ask. Anyway, they knew that it was
Just thinking about Mu Feng, I suddenly felt a hot hot gas sprayed into my neck, and then a deafening monster roared.
"Buzz …" Roaring at close range made Mu Feng’s ears hum. Mu Feng felt that the sky suddenly spun up, and the ground was no longer parallel but instantly tilted up. Then an unstable Mu Feng sat down and fell to the ground.
Suddenly, I heard the monster roar. Although the people there were not hurt as much as Mu Feng, they also felt dizzy and shook their heads. They also couldn’t help but turn to look behind Mu Feng. At the same time, Mu Feng was dizzy and looked up at all what he saw and was startled to see that a rhinoceros-like dragon was lying in front of Mu Feng, and a knight with a black sword and wrapped in black armor was sitting on the back of the dragon.
"Are you … have you summoned me?" Mu Feng, the knight in black armor, asked coldly to sit on the ground.
Listen to the words of the black knight, Mu Feng blinked in shock and looked up at the past. At this time, Mu Feng saw the name Ma Lord-Kosbal on the top of the black knight’s head, followed by the information of the Ma Lord.
Monster Level 55 boss Monster Type Lords Humanoid boss Monster Introduction Ma Lord Kosbal is in charge of Ma Legion Cavalry Corps Ma God Andy God Hand Four Lords One has a magic armor and a dragon mount that can destroy opponents’ fighting will. The Dark Dragon Sword ranks fourth among the four lords in Ma. Although Kosbal is the last of the four lords, his strength will never be ignored.
"Well, it turned out to be the old lords of the four lords …" Mu Feng whispered in his heart. At the same time, Mu Feng didn’t know where the fear came from before, and he couldn’t help but reduce his embarrassment. Mu Feng got up from the ground and said to Kosbal, "Well, I called you … Your goal is to fight against him!" Mu Feng pointed to HuangFuKe behind him and said that at this time HuangFuKe feet are a piece of white and blue ice HuangFuKe body also hung with snowflakes stiff and frozen there.
For Mu Feng’s sudden change, Kosbal was angry in his heart and said nothing. Kosbal looked up at HuangFuKe and asked some dissatisfaction, "You just called me out to deal with him." The language was full of contempt.
Cosbar’s attitude was as early as Mu Feng expected. Ha ha a smile. Mu Feng said, "Yes, that’s him. Don’t underestimate him. He is very powerful."
Although they are monsters summoned by themselves, Mu Feng dare not command the tone to speak to the summoned lords of the underworld like a war maniac undead knight. What should these arrogant lords do with your knife if they don’t listen to your command? Mu Feng believes that they may do this kind of thing, for example, Mu Feng remembers the scene of Diart and Diart killing fire.
Talking, Mu Feng joined the ghost emperor, romantic swordsman and others in the battle and squinted at Kosbal. Although Kosbal hasn’t done anything yet, they can feel Kosbal’s strength from the momentum alone.
Slightly frowned, Coase Barr rode a magic armor dragon and took two steps forward. He looked around HuangFuKe, and they all looked around HuangFuKe. Three evil eyes suddenly appeared and said, "It’s an evil eye trap … you led him into the trap, constantly limiting skills and calling me out."
Listening to Kosbal seems to be very disdainful. I feel that Mu Feng is breathing out with anger. Damn it, the official said that you made the characters in the game so real. Why did a summoned demon Lord talk about his master?
Thinking about Mu Feng, he turned to stare behind him. After staring for a second, Mu Feng sank and said, "Your goal is his other care." Mu Feng was also moved at this time. They are now racing against time. Barr is still there, and the ink waves him.
Listening to Mu Feng’s words, Spear’s face suddenly turned ugly. He was once so contradicted by a human being, but … Mu Feng summoned him from the underworld by summoning the magic circle. He had a demon summoning agreement with Mu Feng. He had to obey Mu Feng’s words, or he had to listen to Mu Feng’s orders and bite his teeth secretly. Cosbal was very angry. The five-level virtual summoning was aimed at their demon lords. This was the demon king Andy, and he decided to resist and resist.
"Hum …" Coase Barr grunted coldly, and jumped from the magic armor with a pretty body. "Let …" Coase Barr shouted at the mad cow and mad cow who stood in front of him. The latter two were also angry, but they stopped their hands and flashed on both sides.
"Click … 239" Coase Barr sword to directly cut off more than 230,000 blood volume of HuangFuKe. Mu Feng can’t help but feel happy. This injury seems to be worse than bulke and some Diart. Then how to give him a row of Ma lords? Mu Feng silently thought.