
1. **增强免疫力**:灵芝具有增强机体免疫功能的作用,能够提高人体的抗病能力,有助于抵抗感冒、肝炎等疾病。

2. **改善血液循环**:灵芝可以改善血液循环,提高心、脑的供血供氧能力,有助于预防和改善心脑血管疾病。

3. **抗氧化作用**:红茶中的茶多酚具有抗氧化作用,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。


4. **调节血糖血压**:灵芝和红茶都有助于调节血糖和血压,对中老年人的糖尿病、高血压、高血脂等症状有良好的治疗效果。

5. **改善睡眠质量**:灵芝具有安神、定惊、解毒等功效,有助于改善睡眠质量。

6. **辅助治疗肿瘤**:灵芝孢子能够抑制肿瘤细胞生长,促进白细胞介素释放,提高晚期肿瘤患者的免疫力,降低放疗、化疗的副反应。

7. **滋阴补肾**:灵芝和枸杞都有滋阴补肾的作用,可以治疗肾虚,改善女性和男性肾虚的症状。

8. **抗氧化、改善消化功能**:灵芝红茶不仅能抗氧化,还能改善人体的消化功能。

9. **护肝养胃**:灵芝红茶对肝脏和胃部有一定的保护作用,有助于维护消化系统的健康。

10. **美容保健**:灵芝红茶有助于延缓衰老、保健美容。




1. **减肥瘦身**:荷叶自古以来就被用来治疗肥胖症,它含有荷叶碱,可以清热泻火、利湿消脂,有助于减肥。

2. **降脂减肥**:荷叶和决明子都有助于降低血脂,通过调节体内脂肪代谢,减少体内脂肪的积累。

3. **润肠通便**:决明子含有丰富的微量元素,能够促进胃肠蠕动,改善便秘。

4. **清肝明目**:决明子具有清肝明目的功效,可以缓解目赤肿痛、羞明多泪等症状,对长期使用电脑、手机的人群有一定的保护视力作用。

5. **清热去火**:荷叶具有清热去火的功效,能够平肝火、清心火、泻脾火、降肺火,对心烦气躁、口干舌燥等症状有缓解作用。

6. **安神醒脑**:决明子茶味道清新,有助于安神醒脑,减轻疲劳。

7. **降压利尿**:荷叶和决明子都有一定的降压利尿作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **调节情绪**:对于工作压力大、生活节奏快的人群,荷叶决明子茶可以起到舒缓压力、调节情绪的作用。

9. **祛湿消暑**:荷叶具有清暑利湿的功效,有助于消暑降温。



1. **养阴清肺**:川明参能够滋养肺部,对于长时间患有呼吸道疾病的患者,如慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿、支气管哮喘、肺结核等,有良好的调养作用。

2. **健脾助运**:川明参有助于脾胃功能的增强,对于食欲不振、消化不良等症状有改善作用。

3. **补肺益气**:川明参具有补益肺气的功效,对于肺虚咳嗽、气短等症状有治疗作用。

4. **养肝明目**:川明参有助于养护肝脏,对视力保护也有积极作用。


5. **润肺止咳**:川明参能够润肺止咳,对于咳嗽、痰多等症状有很好的缓解效果。

6. **解毒和胃**:川明参有解毒和胃的作用,对于食物中毒、胃部不适等有一定的治疗作用。

7. **宁心安神**:川明参还可以宁心安神,对心慌、失眠等症状有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **改善身体机能**:川明参与其他食材如草鱼、鸡、大枣等熬炖,可以增强身体机能,提高免疫力。



1. **补肝肾**:杜仲皮味甘、性温,归肝肾经。它能够补益肝肾,适用于肝肾不足引起的头晕目眩、腰膝酸痛、筋骨无力等症状。

2. **强筋骨**:杜仲皮具有强壮筋骨的功效,适用于治疗肝肾不足导致的腰膝酸痛、筋骨无力等症。


3. **安胎**:杜仲皮能够调理冲任、固经安胎,适用于肝肾不足、冲任不固导致的妊娠漏血、胎动不安等症。


4. **治疗高血压**:杜仲皮具有明显的降压作用,适用于高血压患者。

5. **降低血脂和血糖**:杜仲皮能够降低血清胆固醇含量,对降血脂、降血糖有一定效果。

6. **抗心脑缺血**:杜仲皮具有抗心脑缺血的作用,适用于心血管系统疾病。

7. **调节骨代谢**:杜仲皮可以调节骨代谢,适用于风湿科、骨科疾病。

8. **利尿**:杜仲皮具有利尿作用,适用于小便不利、水肿等症。

9. **暖宫**:杜仲皮能够暖宫,适用于宫寒不孕等症。

10. **增强免疫力**:杜仲皮具有提高免疫力的作用,适用于免疫力低下的人群。

11. **改善睡眠质量**:杜仲皮可以改善睡眠质量,适用于失眠多梦等症状。

12. **减肥美容抗衰老**:长期饮用杜仲皮泡水,有助于减肥、美容、抗衰老。


– 适量使用:过量服用杜仲皮可能会对身体造成伤害。

– 禁忌人群:阴虚火旺者、尿频、自汗、盗汗、小便黄赤等人群不宜服用。

– 食用方法:可以煎汤服用,也可与枸杞子、五味子、桑叶等中药一起泡水饮用。

– 保存方法:将杜仲皮放在阴凉干燥处,或放入冰箱中冷冻保存,以延长保质期。



1. **滋阴补肾**:乌鸡性平、味甘,具有滋阴清热、补肝益肾的功效。淮山(山药)也有健脾益胃、滋肾益精的作用。两者结合,能够有效滋阴补肾,对于肾虚、腰膝酸软等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **养肝明目**:乌鸡淮山汤中,乌鸡和淮山均有助于养肝明目,适合那些因为用眼过度导致的视力疲劳、眼干眼涩等症状的人群。

3. **补气养血**:此汤对于面色萎黄、月经不调、产后虚弱等血虚症状有很好的调理作用。乌鸡和淮山都有补血的效果,有助于改善血液循环,增强体质。



4. **美容养颜**:乌鸡淮山汤中的多种营养成分,如蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等,能够滋养肌肤,延缓衰老,对美容养颜有积极作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:汤中含有的多种微量元素,如铜、铁、锰等,以及丰富的维生素,能够增强人体的免疫力,提高身体抵抗力。

6. **促进消化**:乌鸡淮山汤中含有膳食纤维,有助于促进胃肠蠕动,对消化系统有一定的调节作用,适合消化不良的人群。

7. **预防疾病**:乌鸡淮山汤中的一些成分,如淮山,具有益肺止咳的作用,有助于预防感冒等呼吸道疾病。同时,对于防治骨质疏松症、佝偻病、老年性痴呆以及冠状动脉硬化和脑血栓等也有一定的预防作用。

8. **适宜人群广泛**:乌鸡淮山汤适合多数人群,特别是老年人、体弱者、术后恢复期患者、月经不调的女性等,都可以通过饮用此汤来调理身体。



1. **营养价值**:
– **蛋白质**:鱼翅含有丰富的蛋白质,对维持身体组织的健康和修复有重要作用。
– **胶原蛋白**:鱼翅中的胶原蛋白含量高,有助于滋养皮肤,保持皮肤弹性和光泽。

2. **保健功效**:
– **心血管健康**:鱼翅含有降血脂、抗动脉硬化和抗凝成分,对心血管系统的疾病具有一定的预防和治疗作用。
– **骨骼健康**:胶原蛋白能预防骨骼老化,防止骨刺的形成,对维持骨骼健康有益。
– **免疫提升**:鱼翅被认为能提高免疫力,适合体质虚弱、营养不良或免疫力低下的人群食用。

3. **美容护肤**:
– **滋养皮肤**:鱼翅中的胶原蛋白有助于滋养皮肤,保持皮肤柔嫩光滑,是美容食品的一种。
– **滋阴壮阳**:传统观念认为,鱼翅具有滋阴壮阳的功效,可以改善体质。

4. **其他功效**:


– **和胃消食**:鱼翅有益气、开胃、补虚的功效,能帮助消化和增进食欲。
– **防癌抗癌**:鱼翅软骨中含有的鲨鱼软骨素被认为具有防癌抗癌的作用。



Regardless of the vast number of players privately guess who is the boss behind this Xiaoyao Building. Not only is it more valuable to own the artifact auction, but the valuable market is absolutely a’ help token’. That’s a hot thing. How many people want to get it? I’m afraid it’s very difficult for this auction not to catch fire! ~

"Find out the free and unfettered floor background? What is the origin? " In a luxurious courtyard and a gorgeous living room, an old man asked his hand with dignity.
"I don’t have a clue about the boss’s temporary sweat. The defense of Xiaoyao Building is very strict. The main personnel in the blockade state don’t show up at all. The guard is hired by a hundred-level guard. If someone tries to sneak into the dozens of hundred-level guards, they will kill people mercilessly." The passive Nuo Nuo said that it seems that the boss’s temper is not so good
"Hum a bunch of fools, if you can’t do this well, get out of here." The old man angrily scolded the man for cursing the dog’s blood.
The hand didn’t dare to say a word and backed out! Seeing his hand back, the old man got up from his chair and walked back and forth. Is it another mysterious organization? It seems that the water in Qinglong City is very deep. It seems that it is going to be lively this time.
"alas!" The old man sighed as if he remembered something again! Turning around and disappearing into the room, this mysterious old man is also a mystery. I don’t know what strength it is. The boss looks like the king will be lively and the dispute will start!
Chapter 32 Disputes over Building Help Tokens
"alas!" The old man sighed as if he remembered something again! Turning around and disappearing into the room, this mysterious old man is also a mystery. I don’t know what strength it is. The boss looks like the king will be lively and the dispute will start!
At the same time, a similar thing happened in another residence. "What’s the origin of Boss’s Xiaoyao Building? How did it matter so much? We tried so hard to get the help token. How did they get it?" A very wretched player is unwilling to say
"Hum, I’m afraid it won’t be that simple. I think these guys should have a hard background, or they won’t be willing to sell the help token. You know, it’s a rare thing. Except Xuanyuan League, I don’t know what it’s like. I’m afraid there’s only one piece among the kings at this stage. When the auction is over, the major gangs will make their heads spin." Arrogance is too frowning. Listen to the hand and think about it before expressing their views.
"Eldest brother that we … don’t we just forget it? Xuanyuan alliance is so big this time, if we don’t work hard, I’m afraid it’s hard to turn over! Let them XuanYuanMeng ride on our head forever? " Beside the overbearing wife, the arrogant waves are unwilling to shout, and the thought of being lost by bare them is very unwilling.
If it weren’t for arrogance, I’m afraid that if we continue to pester Xuanyuan League to them, the sea shark gang would have disappeared long ago, and severely suppressed the hand and warned the arrogant waves not to make a move. Otherwise, the sea shark gang Xuanyuan League got up early, and the consequences were unpredictable.
"Hum, you will know that if you don’t make trouble everywhere, how could we lose so much? Don’t be so impulsive after doing things. The sea shark will help Xuanyuan League revenge sooner or later. Now they are in the limelight. Do you want to go to stroke of bad luck now?" Too much arrogance. This incompetent brother was completely bored and stared at him. He said that if my brother hadn’t asked me to take care of you, he would have kicked you aside.
See the eldest brother said so, although some unwilling but also dare not talk back, this guy is a little arrogant, but he has no temper in front of his eldest brother. He is nothing if he is not arrogant and covers him too much.
"The boss said that it makes sense. As the saying goes, it’s not too late for a good gentleman to take revenge for ten years. It’s not urgent to find the right time and give them a revenge. The most urgent thing is how can we get the help token? Now whoever can help the king first has an innate advantage.
The best example is in front of us. The former Xuanyuan League is just a dirty little gang with more than a dozen people. Look at how far it has grown since their shoulders came just a few days ago. This is the advantage! Therefore, I think this will help the token, and we should be sure that we can’t build it first, so we have to be recognized by the second boss. "that some wretched players are the core members of the sea shark gang and the strategist-level players. Zhuge is not bright, which is more insidious, but it is also a resourceful figure. It is very valued by arrogance.
"Well, it’s good to say that it’s not bright at all. The analysis is very reasonable. It seems that we have to do some preparations. I’ll leave it to you to do a good job of transferring funds to win at one stroke." Arrogance is too much to recognize Zhuge’s not bright words. I thought about it and finally handed it over to him.
"In fact, I think we should make preparations in case we miss, we will organize some people … hehe ~!" Zhuge Liang, a strategist, made a robbery gesture.
"I’m afraid it won’t be that easy. I think no matter who will get ready, but … it’s not a bad way to do it. You can arrange it at your discretion. Choose some reliable brothers and hurry up to prepare. Is it urgent when the auction is running out?" Arrogant too bowed his head and thought for a while, and finally agreed to Zhuge Liang’s suggestion. In case of success, it is both economical and affordable, so it is worth taking a chance.
"Don’t worry, boss, I’ll take care of this. I’ll do it just in case!" Zhuge Buliang patted his chest and promised that at this time, he thought that a person seemed to be able to send a show at a reasonable price. I think he would accept the idea that Zhuge Buliang turned around and left the hall to join his ideal candidate.
The whole Qinglong City is being discussed in every corner. This auction is suitable for the rich to step up their preparations, hoping to capture the ideal content from it, and those ordinary players are also unwilling to be lonely and plan to get their own satisfactory equipment at the minimum cost.
Don’t think about those artifacts. They are rich people playing games to build help tokens, so don’t even think about it. Even if you put them in your hand, it will be a hot potato. Maybe you will get yourself killed and maybe you can get one or two pieces of equipment you are satisfied with.
Although Qinglong City is lively, it is very calm for Xuanyuan League. What everyone should do seems to be indifferent to Xiaoyao Building. Even those masterminds rarely ask about Xiaoyao Building. There are a few people who are silently thinking about the price that Qinglong City can buy to help build tokens in Xiaoyao Building.
"I said sister in law, how many people will attend this time? There should be not too few people!" Xu day rubbing their hands and asked to see the sample is very excited.
"Ha ha, Brother Xu, you can rest assured that the biggest attraction of this auction is to help the token under construction. Without that gang to withstand the temptation and have a little strength, everyone will gather in Xiaoyao Building. No one wants others to develop and grow in their head, and then they will compete hard." Yan ran a confident smile on that beautiful face.
"Ha ha Yan ran said that it is good that there are many family-owned enterprises in the king, and the rich and rich will naturally not be too few, especially those two sai-jo who will try their best to compete even if they meet, not to mention the important development that they value. I think we will wait and count the money after this auction!" At this time, Lan Yixuan, the shopkeeper of the free and unfettered building, also came out to express his opinions. Look at his ambitious sample and you will know that this little want to rock the boat.
"That’s true, but there are always accidents, and the measures for building a safe house have to be strengthened. I think there will be stealing chickens and dogs, and maybe." Feng Xin suddenly interjected at this time that he seemed to be worried
Chapter 33 proceedings
"That’s true, but there are always accidents, and the measures for building a safe house have to be strengthened. I think there will be stealing chickens and dogs, and maybe." Feng Xin suddenly interjected at this time that he seemed to be worried
"This can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem in the defense of Xiaoyao Building. I have stepped up security measures to hire the highest-level guards. Although the money is a little more, we can also see the efficiency. The thief can’t get in. I also applied for Tongan Warehouse. No limited people can get into those valuables. I am quite safe in it. I think even my sister-in-law may not be able to get in." Lan Yixuan is very confident and doesn’t believe in Yan Ran. What he said is to show the safety of Xiaoyao Building.
"Ha ha, I didn’t expect Big Brother Lan to consider that there is no loophole in Zhou An, and the troublemaker is sure to have an eye. No matter who it is, you can go ahead and do it. What’s the problem? Let’s Xuanyuan Union is behind it, but it’s still unfair for the time being. It will save a lot of trouble. Now that the wind is gone, we must be careful." Yan ran said after listening to Lan Yixuan’s words.
"Yes, it’s nothing to spend more money. I believe everything will come back after the auction. I think we should earn a lot of money after the auction. It’s very convenient for us to build the station. I have to admire Wang, the boss. I really don’t know how long his head is. He seems to have planned it long ago, otherwise he wouldn’t have bought the auction house early." Although he is a little wise, he didn’t expect that layer to be so far away.
They all think too much of Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran is the most admirable person in everyone’s mind. If Xiao Ran knows that these brothers beautify him so beautifully, I wonder if he will get carried away! In fact, when I bought the small building, I valued its location. I believed that it would have great value-added benefits. I didn’t think that I wanted an auction house. I happened to remember that since my guild had established the remaining help token, it was only a matter of time before I sold it and others built it.
Xiao Ran knows the principle of shooting a bird with a gun, so it is better to find someone to share it and get a lot of low income, or to build a town and lay a solid foundation.
But bare, I never thought that after such a publicity, the name of Xiaoyao Building would be so big, and the charm of the token attracted many people’s attention, which made those ambitious guys determined to win. If he knew, I was afraid that he would wake up laughing in his dreams. No one who was unhappy would think that there was too much money!
The main city gangs, especially Yun Qinglong City, are preparing for this grand auction, and they know that the Ministry has come to build a help token.
Don’t digress too far, but come back and see what they say! "In fact, the cost of this preparation is not very large, except for buying np, which costs a lot of money. There are not many other decoration employees. Less than two million gold coins were announced and it didn’t cost much. This time, it was also generous to directly package the announcement, or it saved us a lot. It is not long to know what these publishers think and they will take the initiative to contact us. To be honest, I really didn’t expect that this specific detail is still under negotiation." Lan Yixuan has a good business mind and roughly introduced the situation.
Before Yan ran to express his views, Feng Xin was lonely and took Lan Yixuan’s words and said, "I don’t think those game makers will give money for nothing. They are for profit. This time, they are willing to spend so much effort to help us believe that they must have their own goals. Think about it carefully. This auction will definitely stir up the whole king. Then the careerists will come. Since it is competition, they will have to move a lot of money into real money and exchange virtual money, and they will make a profit. Compared with that, it is simply nine Niu Yi hairs. This cheap makes them make a profit. They are just accommodating.
Plus they want to broadcast live, which must be for the purpose of making money. Although I don’t know the details, I can imagine that it is definitely a piece of fat meat. We must grasp this well and don’t suffer. "
Wind heart lonely not the kui think-tank figures put all the analysis is very thorough. "It’s good that you are free and unfettered floor supervisor shopkeeper. It’s more appropriate for you to do these things. We can’t lose out because they try to strive for the best interests when they negotiate. They can’t let them take advantage of it." Yan ran wanted to think for a while and ordered Lan Yixuan to discuss it.
In fact, Xu Tian is an idiot for business management. He can say whatever he wants, but he is a deputy Wang. There are some things he still has to agree to. He is bare, and he is the best brother of bare, and everyone respects him.
Even Yan ran is no exception. Eldest brother always treats many things with him to discuss and show respect.
"In fact, there are some things that you don’t need to ask me about the details of these money. I don’t understand these financial things. Just be directly responsible for it. I believe that even if my brother is here, it will be the same. If you have any problems in business and wealth in the future, please consult with Aran directly. Don’t ask me." Xu Tian is very irresponsible. I don’t know anything, so don’t bother me. Let everyone laugh and cry.
"Write Xu Dage’s letter to me. Since Brother doesn’t want to take over, Lan Yixuan and I will be responsible for these things separately. Do you have any opinions?" Yan ran to see Xu Tian say that, smiled and thanked him for taking this job, then turned around and asked everyone for advice.
"You are the future eldest sister-in-law and you are studying economic management. This replay is perfect for you! Brother Yu Lan, hehe, he is in charge of Xiaoyao Building Transportation, which is why everyone chooses more. How can anyone object? " All the people have been raising their hands to pass Xu Tianyi, and no one has raised an objection.
"So, it’s decided whether it’s appropriate for external management or to actively prepare for the construction of the city according to the previous consultation. Once the Wang comes back, let’s immediately apply for the resident to become the first player’s own town. What do you say?" The future eldest sister-in-law Yan ran lies in the fact that Xu Tian, the deputy Wang, made a high announcement after glances.
"Good …!" It’s very inspiring that everyone is just cheering when they are smiling.
Chapter 34 Free and unfettered auction
Among the kings, it is said that the hottest place now belongs to Xiaoyao Building, and it will soon be the official auction day. It can be said that Qinglong City has gathered players for a few days at most recently.

It’s white to brush your face. Do you want to die? I’m thinking of starting an uprising to occupy the capital, but this is a situation in which I won’t participate in the war. Guns don’t have eyes in this war. Maybe a shell will take my life away!

Lian shouted, "What shall we do? What should I do? "
Yishan looked at the six gods and was polite and ridiculous. You * * * * * are the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. What do you want me to do?
But Yishan also knows that it’s more appropriate to call a soldier to command if he doesn’t even kill chickens on the battlefield.
Yishan shouted, "Sir Alex Ferguson, the enemy artillery is too fierce now. We are short of heavy weapons. We must evacuate the army and retreat to the courtyard as soon as possible! Personnel evacuation, we can talk to the army definitely a high … "
Lian hurriedly shouted, "Listen, everyone, retreat immediately. Everyone is scattered for me …"
Yishan was almost so angry that he cried and withdrew to the clause. Do you want to withdraw some people to resist the revolutionary army left in front of the clause and rely on the clause building to fight back! How can we have a decisive battle with the revolutionary army without a barrier outside?
However, as soon as the command was given, the rebels were desperate to escape from the gunfire. Let’s get out of here first and say that staying here is just waiting for death. The enemy’s gunfire was too fierce, and dozens of shells came in in such a short time!
The rebels rushed to the outside, and when they fled, they would jump over the fence and jump outside the courtyard!
Lian has been scared to death now, and I really don’t know what to do. Now Yuan Shikai has sent two assistants to lead one to Baoding, and a city has led some people to meet and find a consultant!
At this time, Yishan suddenly stepped forward and kicked Lian out, shouting "hide!"
Talking Yishan a tiger jump also jumped outside the corridor.
Even before I knew what was going on, a shell exploded in its original position, and the front wall of the whole building was blown up.
Without the front pillar, the main hall collapsed!
Lian got up and was about to swear at Yishan and pull up Lian’s collar. "You’re * * * * * silly. You don’t know how to hide when the shells come?" Don’t say anything, follow me and hurry up. Let’s get out of the other hospital first. It’s too dangerous here! "
Yishan is tearing at Lian just like running out.
When the shelling lasted for a quarter of an hour, the artillery battalion fired hundreds of shells at the other courtyard, completely razing this magnificent other courtyard, and there were dead rebels everywhere, groaning and screaming at the seriously wounded.
Xie Changqing held a telescope in his hand and looked at the situation in the other hospital in the distance. He said faintly, "The temperature is almost the same. Let the first submachine gun open the way and give me a fan-shaped pressure. Don’t let go!"
Ordered a whole first group of 15,600 people to start carrying guns and launch a charge like Tiger Mountain towards clause 4.
At this time, the rebels have all arrived outside the courtyard, and a group of east and west are scattered around the heavy machine guns in the yard. I don’t know where they have been bombed by shells. Even if there are rebels, all the organizational systems have been greatly’ chaotic’. No one knows who they are. They are just a group of slaves who bully a common people at ordinary times. There is no problem. When they encounter war, they can’t even take steps! Still counting on them to fight? Expecting them to pick up heavy machine guns and attack honestly?
Looking at different wolves in the distance, the revolutionary army rebels have been stunned by thousands of people charging together. What kind of gun is that in hand? Flames spew out specific gravity machine guns.
At the forefront of the rebels, many people have been killed by bullets like locusts. The rebels in front of the courtyard have fled to the back or to the sides!
Roots don’t fight back. Not at all!
For more than half an hour, the whole clause has been replaced by the first group of soldiers, and the rebels have retreated to the back of the courtyard.
At this time, Yishan held a look at this group of Uzbeks around him. * * * * * It’s too sad. Even if there is a part of it, the green campers and the flag soldiers can’t fart. It’s just that this group of school slaves have been shocked and can’t find the north. How can they fight?
Yishan roared, "Give me all the firepower and retreat to the north side. Come on!
Nearly two thousand troops began to retreat to the north, but they haven’t escaped from the second regiment three miles away. They have been waiting here for a long time.
Seeing the arrival of the rebels, a dozen’ pretty’ heavy machine guns at the front of the second regiment’s position rang like beans, and the rebels were caught off guard. The rebels were directly screened by the fierce fire of the heavy machine guns!
Chapter one hundred and thirty-two Conspiracy to go bankrupt and rebuild
Seeing that the revolutionary army in the north had already ambushed Yishan, it scared the soul to fly, and the revolutionary army was everywhere. It was hard to fly!
Yishan roared, "retreat to the east quickly!"
But even if you run to the east, it is still a dead end. The east is the third regiment defense zone. The whole third regiment and the second regiment are exactly the same. The defense in the east is so tight that it is impossible for a bird to fly out!
The rebels were once again confronted with a "stick" for half an hour. The rebels were severely hit three times in a row, and the momentum was not high. Now the rebels want to fly without a head and generally don’t know what to do.
Yishan is secretly complaining that this is over. Now there are ambushes on three sides and then run to the west? If there is an ambush in the west, it is estimated that most of them will not fight. This group of people will throw guns and surrender!
Yishan now has crustily skin of head and shouted, "Don’t panic. There are only less than 1,000 troops here. We are twice as strong as them. If we are afraid of rushing to me, we must rush over. If we can’t, we will all be a dead end. Rebellion is a big crime!"
Yishan’ excited’ to intimidate the rebels and had to bite the bullet and launch a charge. If they had to rush over, everyone would die here!
Teams of rebels began to launch a fierce charge towards the second regiment. Zheng Liu, the head of the second regiment, looked coldly at the rebel’s mouth and hung a sneer. If you guys let you rush over, you can find a crooked neck tree to hang yourself!
Zheng Liu big drink a way "to mortar fire blocked the front position! Give me a heavy machine gun! Aiming at it, give me a blockade! "
More than a dozen’ door’ mortars and 30′ pretty’ heavy machine guns in the second regiment position completely covered the front position, and the fierce firepower was the root of the rebels, so it was difficult to move forward!
When Yishan was so anxious that he stamped his feet, the guards’ battalions of the first regiment and the second regiment in three directions surrounded him tightly from behind. Two or three thousand rebels were tightly surrounded by narrow roots and could not move.

"You still pack! Just because I didn’t contact before, I went back to help! Friends, what are you still angry about! " Zuo Tangtang has completely understood the reason at the moment and said with righteous words, "Even if! Even if you are angry, just say it! Shall we do this? I sent you a message all day and you didn’t reply? Deliberately ignoring my activities is also that you can’t take our group out of rhythm! "

"activity?" Cat Ear Niang is still in a daze, and her tone is as much as if she didn’t know about it. However, for a second, she seems to think of something. There is still a little calm tone and she is in a hurry. "How was the activity today? ! Is there anything wrong? "
After seeing this performance, Zuo Tangtang was indignant and gradually calmed down to clear his mind. "Now … isn’t this number yours?"
"Of course not me …"
The words in my ear are still going on, but Zuo Tangtang’s attention has shifted to the three words of "little hoof". Calling her like this is also a person, and watching this activity in a mess looks like other styles.
"Is it skin …" Zuo Tangtang just wanted to ask when he listened to Mao Erniang with a serious face and said, "I’ll go first and then pull you here."
"Oh, oh ….." The words were interrupted. I don’t know what happened. Mao Erniang jumped into the channel and Zuo Tangtang silently agreed, then turned around and silently went to the progress bar.
Looking at the crowd, silly Cat Ear Niang has determined in her mind that Zuo Tangtang, the person behind the role, glanced at it without saying a word and rode the stairs to the third room.
The girls in the Flower Palace are doing very quickly. Several old people in the Flower Palace have already seen it. If you listen to this strange command today, this speed will definitely not catch up with the countdown in less than 15 minutes.
Obviously, Zuo Tangtang also noticed that there are three *oss behind the right side. Their skills and anger skills are different, and their skin is rough and very resistant to being beaten. If they don’t speed up now, they may be able to complete the crusade against the Twelve Linked Docks when there is probably not enough.
Without the activity to put out the fire, Zuo Tangtang gave up happily, but the horse sucked blood in the strange group
[Team] Cat Ear Niang nods/Well, good, good.
[Team] Cat Ear Niang is right, right, right.
Careless, I don’t know when I’m around, so I praise the girl who is very active in the flower palace, and idling around is as annoying as it looks.
Ah, hey, are you sure this isn’t a black trick for the cat ear mother?
Zuotangtang dialect
Just as she was thinking of Mater, the senior martial sister, haha, looking for a story, water droplets rang in her ears.
Jumped the channel …
wrangle (over/about)
This is her first impression.
"… oh, oh, how can you say that about me!" Didn’t notice the arrival of Zuo Tangtang in the channel. Pikaqiu said with his usual batting practice tone full of grievances
So I jumped the channel to find Pikachu …
Zuo Tangtang blinked and continued to concentrate … Playing games and listening to arguments.
"You still say?" I don’t know what was discussed before, but the cat ear mother said coldly, "You are still active! Activity! Do you know? "
"oh! Don’t worry. "Don’t worry, don’t slow down and comfort Pikachu. He is naturally free and easy, but today this activity is really nothing …
"What heart! You don’t talk in the team, you just think you are a thorough! "
"But I’m a big teacher elder sister in the Flower Palace! This don’t talk how line … "Is very koo.
"I am! I am! " Cat ear Niang was so angry that she couldn’t breathe. "Don’t talk! My image this month can be ruined by your performance in less than an hour! "
That’s true, Zuo Tangtang muttered in his heart, while controlling the role and running to the old position. It is very important to refresh the hatred in ten seconds.
Seeing that Zuo Tangtang, the role of Cat Ear Mother, is intentionally left aside, he is really sad, although he usually gets along with her and fights with each other, and he is used to saying all kinds of things. Although he plays a graceful girl in the game, his performance in the Flower Palace is definitely quite elegant.
Now, my sister likes the demon brother, the cat ear mother. Although she doesn’t mean that, she won’t refuse to be liked.
As a result … Pikachu was probably really beaten back to its original shape.
"Oh, don’t worry." Pikachu continued to talk earnestly on the channel. "I am very good at conducting. Don’t believe it yourself. Let’s see how fast these girls finish!"
"… is it?" Hearing such a confident tone, Cat Ear Niang is a little dubious.
However, only in the game can Zuo Tangtang see the Cat Ear Niang, which he didn’t see-when the old one was brushed out, the girls in Huagong were preparing to rush, and Pikaqiu was screaming at the top with the Cat Ear Niang in the neighborhood, yelling "Kite" and "Kite"
This strange thing is to move by hiding in the soil, which is equivalent to teleporting. No one will know where the boss will come out after hiding in the soil. We will fight together to speed up the output before he escapes, causing great damage.
It’s so strange that Pikachu let them fly kites. Is it confident to use boss as a kite or to use them as kites?
"Yes, the old man is actually flying a kite." I really couldn’t resist Zuo Tangtang’s taunting cannon.
"Hey, this is not a little hoof …"
"Kite?" Interrupted Pikachu’s warm greeting, the cat-ear mother frowned and asked him, of course, what the old one is, but there is something more worth asking: "Are you playing the old one now?"
Listen to the tone full of abandon Zuo Tangtang is well-advised without saying anything. Pikachu is excited to say there.
"Yeah! Look at that! I’m a freshman! Is it soon? I always know the old natural enemy! " Pikachu’s tail is going up to the sky.
"Natural enemies, you uncle!" I have been forbearing and forbearing, and I am not polite at all. "How long has this been? The activity is almost over. Are you still playing the old one?" What did hoof just say? Are you going to let them fly kites? Ah … Ah! Do you also want to be a kite! "
"…" Pikachu is rare and fearless, and the momentum is crushed by the cat ear mother.
"What are you still doing? ! Pikachu! Talk less and do more quickly! Stop directing! Hurry up and fight with those girls! " At the thought of the possibility of her image being destroyed, she couldn’t help crying. When she didn’t give Pikachu any explanation, she forced her to ask, "By the way, hoof, if you need any help there, you should pay attention to it as much as possible. If you are not sure, you should pull the blame and cheer!"
Usually, this kind of thing can’t be trusted to Zuo Tangtang, and now she is willing to give her the key items. I have to say that Pikachu is too powerful.
Zuo Tangtang is very happy to accept this.
But she will never break his hope-Pikachu’s habitual cheap tone of amateur command today has already ruined his image. It is estimated that everyone will not forget it for ten days and a half months.
There seems to be nothing wrong with Mao Erniang’s strong suppression of everything. Zuo Tangtang also leads and bears the chicken. Several old people in Huagong emphasize some precautions and commands of newcomers in the team channel.
Little by little in the past, the activities were also going on nervously, except that Pikachu watched the cat-eared girl stop nagging about her creativity when she was playing the last boss, and she accidentally flashed out to let everyone stop retreating or parrying when the boss zoomed in to attract people around her, but to find a house next door and prepare to fly from the surface in a small group to shoot the boss directly.
Is tofu in this guy’s head?
When there is not enough time, you still have to take pictures of mosquitoes with great interest?
The flower palace girls have been ignored by the Ministry, which is not reliable
The prize package was also brought by homing pigeons.
After hearing it, the cat-eared mother immediately confirmed to Pikachu that she got a positive answer and immediately gave it a number without saying a word-he just couldn’t let Pikachu mess around with him.
In Pikachu’s endless chatter about handing over the number, Zuo Tangtang also learned two things. First, Pikachu really resented why he didn’t take him with him when he left to escape this tragic fate. Second, they were so busy that they were willing to take the number to Pikachu to take care of it.
Although they are nagging, they are clever in avoiding Zuo Tangtang without disturbing him, but they silently remember all this to be continued.
[41] Chapter four hundred and nineteen Darting two or three things]
Compared with the first month after returning home to rest, Zuo Tangtang played games with a die-hard spirit. Now I have to say that everything is very regular.
Maybe it’s because unlike Xiao Bai, who didn’t know anything at the beginning, she can solve things in the game as quickly as possible now.
During the day, I leisurely took a piece of bread and drank milk. I carefully read my pre-internship notes and professional courses, followed by various "vicious" curses in Su Orange, such as "black eyes, thick bags and yellow face". I don’t want to go shopping together. After returning home … Zuo Tangtang didn’t have any consciousness. It is natural to return to the bedroom and play the game. Su Orange shook his head at the back.
Today, I didn’t spend the night in a hurry, and I was refreshed in the early morning. I had already finished running for half an hour and cleared my legs. At this moment, the game seemed to be slow to stay on the screen.
Sure enough, after a while …

"Me?" Zuo Tangtang is also confused. It seems that the two sides have nothing to pay. How can they be grateful?

Is it?
He knows about the robbery!
It’s over. Although she did stop others from thanking them, it may be true, but according to the situation at that time, their wedding is likely to be ruined! Will this deputy Wang bottle declare war on the soy sauce gang?
If so, it will become troublesome.
What the hell is it? What’s she doing here?
Zuo Tangtang’s heart was in a fierce struggle, but then there was a bottle sound. "This time, I found that there were not as many new people in the gang as before. Ask carefully-it turned out to be hooves. Thank you very much for your contribution."
It’s a good thing I didn’t poke it out
After careful consideration, I found that the amount of information was slightly larger, and Zuo Tangtang was a little confused.
The number of gang members in their gang has decreased. What can be her reason?
Moreover, even if she takes 10,000 steps back and says it’s her fault, he shouldn’t be happy that the number of senior executives in the body gang has dropped sharply! I cann’t believe I want to thank the culprit. What kind of logic is this?
Besides, she is koo! What did she do to cause such a thing to happen to them? I can’t figure it out.
Like understanding Zuo Tangtang’s confused bottle, she explained it.
It turns out that Bottle finally played games this holiday, but after reading the guild records, he was very puzzled. Why did so many people join the gang during this period? You know guy likes to go out and hook up with people. No matter how he stops it, he will always sneak out behind his back. Every day, there will be a large number of new names recorded in the help!
After a gang member was asked carefully to learn the latest hexagrams, he realized that Gai had made a promise to Zuo Tangtang, no matter what the reason was, but the result was that he was willing to see it, no matter how he persuaded it before, this time it was obviously a good end. I heard that Zuo Tangtang was on this channel, so he hurried over to thank him.
Oh ~ so that’s it. This cover is really normal. The wind is a bit so what. Zuo Tangtang touched it and it was full of approval.
You! What is the latest divination!
Did you use my affairs as a talk for a group of soul-light departments in your gang?
Zuo Tangtang instantly roars the emperor’s body.
But after all, in someone else’s territory, after all, the other party can’t beat it, so just bear with it.
Zuo Tangtang took a deep breath for two times and calmly continued to listen.
"I’m very grateful for all this," said Bottle Sound again. "I hope it will help me to watch her more, so I’ll be grateful."
"Hey! What! " Guy is very protesting.
However, the bottle ignored Gai’s complaint and waited for Zuo Tangtang’s reply seriously.
"This this I will help, hey hey hey" Zuo Tangtang smiled wryly.
Watching two people so ignore their cover broke out "bottle! I hooked you up! What are you dissatisfied with there! "
Bottles are also hooked up?
She doesn’t seem to have heard of this.
In the face of Gai, Nai said, "I wish this had happened to me. I don’t need you to continue doing this!" "
Zuo Tangtang finally understood that the soy sauce gang often said that "news is always good". She worked very hard to weaken her own feelings and continued to listen to the dialogue and enjoy the divination she rarely met.
Knowing the whole process, Zuo Tangtang froze. It turned out that they had met each other like this.
When I came to the new area, I was very happy. After building a gang, I gave it up to a group of friends. It is reasonable to say that at the time of the new area, the players in the whole game were very busy, busy brushing, kicking the gym and brushing life skills. Everyone always wanted to have a good one in this area.
However, there are always some people who you can’t guess what she is thinking.