
1. **促进消化与增进食欲**:百香果中含有丰富的膳食纤维,能够促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,增进食欲,对于改善消化系统功能具有积极作用。


2. **排毒养颜**:百香果中的高纤维含量有助于加速人体排泄,排出体内有害物质,从而达到排毒养颜的效果。

3. **缓解喉咙不适**:百香果加蜂蜜泡水饮用,可以缓解喉咙干痒、声音嘶哑等症状,同时也有止渴生津的作用。

4. **改善新陈代谢**:百香果中含有的氨基酸和维生素能够促进新陈代谢,防止便秘现象的发生。

5. **辅助治疗肠道疾病**:百香果对于结肠炎、胃肠炎等肠道疾病有辅助治疗作用,并能改善肠道内菌群结构。

6. **美容护肤**:百香果含有丰富的维生素C,有助于美白皮肤,抗衰老。


7. **降低血脂和血压**:百香果中的多种维生素能降低血脂,预防动脉硬化,降低血压,对心血管健康有益。

8. **提高免疫力**:百香果中含有的多种营养成分能够增强人体抵抗力,提高免疫力。

9. **抗衰老和抗癌**:百香果中含有的多种化合物和氨基酸具有抗癌效果,能够防治细胞老化、癌变。

10. **镇静安神**:百香果富含天然活性成分类黄酮,具有良好的镇静作用,有助于缓解压力和改善睡眠。

11. **减肥塑身**:百香果能够增加胃部饱腹感,减少热量摄入,吸附胆固醇和胆汁,抑制脂肪吸收,有利于减肥和塑身。


12. **促进代谢与净化血液**:百香果中的膳食纤维有助于促进排泄,避免肠道垃圾二次吸收,减少肠癌发病率,并具有抗肿瘤活性。

13. **补充营养与强健骨骼**:百香果富含多种矿物质和有益成分,如钙、磷、铁等,有助于补充营养和强健骨骼。



1. **健脾开胃**:臭屁醋中的醋酸和酒石酸能刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,有助于消化食物,增强食欲,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人群尤其有益。

2. **凉血止血**:由于其性凉,臭屁醋具有一定的收敛作用,可用于治疗妇女月经过多、出血不止等症状,通过泡脚或适量饮用醋水可以缓解这些症状。


3. **驱寒保暖**:臭屁醋能够温暖身体,调节体温,对于提高身体抵抗力、预防感冒等疾病有积极作用。

4. **祛斑美容**:臭屁醋中的多种有益成分可以促进皮肤代谢和修复,有助于祛斑美容,使肌肤光滑细腻。


5. **防治疾病**:臭屁醋中的醋酸对糖尿病患者有一定的血糖控制作用,而醋酸钠可以预防和缓解高血压等心血管疾病。

6. **增加唾液分泌**:有助于缓解口渴、中暑等症状。

7. **增强体质**:长期饮用臭屁醋可以改善体质,增强免疫力。

8. **减肥**:通过促进体内湿气和寒气的排出,有助于减肥。


9. **滋补生津**:对于身体虚弱、需要滋补的人群有很好的作用。

10. **预防感冒**:对于流行性感冒有很好的预防效果。

11. **去除体内湿气**:有助于改善湿气重等不适症状。




1. **营养价值高**:茶芽含有丰富的茶多酚、氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素和矿物质等营养成分,对人体健康十分有益。

2. **抗氧化**:茶芽中的茶多酚具有很好的抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化。

3. **提神醒脑**:茶芽中的咖啡因能刺激中枢神经系统,提神醒脑,增强注意力。

4. **助消化**:茶芽中的茶多酚和维生素C有助于促进消化,缓解消化不良。

5. **减肥瘦身**:茶芽中的茶多酚可以促进脂肪分解,有助于减肥瘦身。

6. **降低血压和血脂**:茶芽中的茶多酚和茶碱等成分有助于降低血压和血脂,对心血管健康有益。

7. **保护牙齿**:茶芽中的氟化物有助于防止牙齿腐蚀,保护牙齿健康。

8. **抗炎作用**:茶芽中的茶多酚具有抗炎作用,可以缓解某些炎症性疾病。

9. **抗过敏**:茶芽中的茶多酚具有抗过敏作用,可以减轻过敏症状。

10. **保护视力**:茶芽中的维生素A和胡萝卜素有助于保护视力,预防视力下降。

11. **调节免疫**:茶芽中的多种成分可以调节人体的免疫功能,增强抵抗力。


12. **美容养颜**:茶芽中的茶多酚和维生素C等成分有助于美容养颜,延缓皮肤衰老。




1. **抗炎消肿**:紫草膏或紫草提取物可以用于治疗皮肤炎症、皲裂、烫伤等,能够有效减轻肿胀和疼痛。

2. **促进愈合**:紫草对伤口有很好的修复作用,可以加速皮肤的新陈代谢,促进伤口愈合。

3. **治疗蚊虫叮咬**:紫草膏能够迅速止痒,对于蚊虫叮咬引起的红肿和瘙痒有很好的缓解效果。

4. **治疗湿疹和脚气**:紫草的凉血润燥作用,使其成为治疗湿疹和脚气的常用药物。


5. **抗病原微生物**:紫草具有抗病毒、抗细菌的作用,能够抑制流感病毒、金黄色葡萄球菌等多种病原微生物。

6. **对消化道平滑肌的影响**:紫草煎液能增强小肠的紧张性或使其收缩,有助于缓解便秘。

7. **对血凝的影响**:紫草中的某些成分可阻止肝素的抗凝血作用,有助于促进静脉瘤等的血栓形成。

8. **抗肿瘤作用**:紫草提取物对某些肿瘤细胞有抑制作用,如对Hela细胞DNA合成后期有一定抑制作用。

9. **改善皮肤问题**:紫草可用于治疗头皮干枯、白斑作痒、头发脱落等症状。


10. **治疗冻疮**:紫草膏对冻疮有很好的治疗效果,尤其是对皮肤红肿、灼痛等症状有显著改善。

11. **促进皮肤健康**:紫草膏含有多种草本植物成分,如薰衣草、小麦胚芽等,有助于肌肤修护和再生。



1. **促进消化**:山楂具有消食健胃的作用,能够帮助消化,改善胃肠功能,对胃肠疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

2. **活血化瘀**:山楂中的黄酮类物质具有活血化瘀的功效,可以促进血液循环,对于改善血液循环不畅有积极作用。

3. **收敛止痢**:山楂还有收敛止痢的效果,对于腹泻等消化系统问题有一定的缓解作用。

4. **理气解郁**:玫瑰花具有理气解郁的功效,能够缓解情绪低落,减轻压力,对于改善情绪有好处。

5. **调经止痛**:玫瑰花与山楂结合使用,对于女性月经不调、痛经等问题有一定的调理作用。

6. **美容养颜**:玫瑰花含有丰富的维生素和单宁酸,有助于改善皮肤状况,达到美容养颜的效果。

7. **抗衰老与抗病**:山楂和玫瑰花中含有的维生素C、胡萝卜素等物质,可以增强机体免疫力,减少自由基的产生,具有抗衰老和抗癌的作用。

8. **改善睡眠**:玫瑰花茶具有镇静、安抚的作用,可以帮助改善睡眠质量。

9. **促进脂肪代谢**:山楂含有脂肪酶,能够促进脂肪的消化,对于减肥和控制体重有一定帮助。

– 山楂玫瑰花茶不宜与茶叶一起泡制,以免影响玫瑰花疏肝解郁的功效。


– 根据个人口味,可适量添加冰糖或蜂蜜以减少玫瑰花的涩味。
– 在选择玫瑰花茶时,应挑选质量好、无添加的产品。
– 泡茶水温控制在75-90度为宜,避免使用过热的水破坏茶中的有效成分。
– 对于有便秘症状的朋友,应适量饮用,避免过量。



1. **润肺止咳**:银耳具有滋阴润肺的功效,能够帮助缓解咳嗽、喉咙干燥等症状。

2. **补中益气**:红枣和莲子都有补中益气的效果,对于改善体虚、乏力、食欲不振等状况有积极作用。

3. **养心安神**:红枣和莲子都具有养心安神的功效,对于失眠、心悸、烦躁等情绪不稳的症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **滋补肝肾**:枸杞具有滋补肝肾的作用,能够改善肝肾不足引起的腰膝酸软、头晕目眩等症状。

5. **美容养颜**:银耳富含天然植物胶质,有助于养颜美容,红枣和枸杞也有一定的美容效果。


6. **增强免疫力**:银耳、红枣等食材含有丰富的营养素,能够增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。


7. **软化血管**:红枣中的维生素C有助于软化血管,预防心血管疾病。

8. **润肠通便**:莲子有补脾止泻的作用,有助于改善便秘。

9. **维持新陈代谢**:多种食材共同作用,有助于维持身体的新陈代谢,促进身体健康。

10. **提供能量**:汤中的营养成分能够为身体提供能量,增强体力。


"…" Long Zhiyu

It is true that everything has a double-sided bond. What do you think of it? In this matter, Long Zhi’s idea is conservative, but Lin intends to be radical, but the final decision is still in Lin Shen, not Long Zhi Shen.
Lin looked at Long Zhi and went on to say, "Long Zhi, if you really want to calculate your IQ, you must be higher than me. In normal times, your brain moves quickly before things happen. You are used to solving things before things happen … When you encounter unexpected situations, your IQ can’t be brought into play, but I am different. I am used to keeping a certain degree of movement in normal times, and it will speed up when encountering sudden situations."
"All you need to practice is that you don’t need to know how to fight like a body, but you need to know how to fight like a brain … Training in other places is nothing for you. Even if you are much better equipped than your opponent and have an overwhelming advantage, it is not without the possibility of capsizing in the gutter."
"If your brain can’t move in the battle … you should know that we have one hundred places in the elite group."
Chapter one hundred and ninety The first battle of the tournament!
On the eve of match day
Liveliness is inevitable. There are players in every city and every base in Time. Now, almost no one is playing tricks outside to make money, but they are all in the city.
Now is the best time to do business.
Whether it’s armor trading market, resource trading market, mineral trading market … everyone in the market is full.
Those armor refitting division, armor equipment weapon maintenance division, armor designer … are all too busy to find them. They all have to queue up outside the factory.
Lin and Long Zhi’s sweet water base has no trading market and few players … Even after more than two months, few players can reach here.
If you want to enter the competition venue, you can stay in the city or base.
But also can be directly connected to the network to watch live games.
Lin prepared a free day and then watched the live broadcast … curtain ceremony.
Celebrate the first anniversary of the operation of Time and hold the curtain ceremony of the first competitive competition … curtain ceremony This is probably the ancient tradition that human beings have never changed since ancient times.
The curtain ceremony is very simple, that is, the person in charge of the game "Time" of the God Corps came out and said a few words, either to encourage everyone to fight fairly and not to make false classes … Finally, he said, I wish you good results, and then it was over.
Very brief curtain ceremony
Next, a song will be played … until the competition is coming.
"ding! Whether to enter the virtual competition venue! "
Lin didn’t think much about closing his eyes and opening them again, but he appeared in the competition field. This is a street in a ruined city.
Shops and houses are parked on the street with thick dust, and the car is lying on the route pole. Some broken newspapers are mixed with yellow leaves, and they move when the wind blows.
"ding! You belong to the elite group, and the competition is in the knockout stage. The cumulative defeat of ten games in each competition is eliminated, and the remaining one person is mixed into the ranking stage. "
"Ten minutes at the end of each game in the knockout stage, the world ends regardless of the winner’s armor damage. Calculate the winner’s armor damage, calculate the winner’s energy consumption, and calculate the effective attack times of the winner’s energy consumption …"
Anyway, the outcome must be separated, and there will never be a so-called draw.
"Your opponent enters the playing field!"
Lin looked at the player’s screen less than 100 meters in front of him and showed the opponent’s data code’ Smoke Bell’ to win or lose!
It is estimated that Lin’s armor screen on the other side also shows the same data except the code name.
"Smoke bell …" Lin saw this code and immediately turned over the information in his brain. He didn’t find this code. The throne smiled and said, "I’m really lucky if I’m not a throne!"
After looking at the code name of Lin”, the smoke bell across the street was slightly thoughtful. "Lucky I didn’t meet the throne in the first game!"
Then Lin paid attention to other things.
Smoke bell armor is also a field officer armor’ fenglei armor’ weapon has not been taken out yet. I don’t know what weapon the other party is carrying or how many weapons they are carrying.
Smoke bell also almost pay attention to Lin armor’ ice armor’ weapons didn’t take out don’t know what the other weapon is.
This is the observation preparation stage, this is a competition, and you won’t be ambushed or ambushed in one game.
"Countdown to 3,2,1!"
Lin Li is about to take out fenglei combating Dao from tactical backpack, lean slightly and rush toward the smoke bell quickly. The smoke bell doesn’t move slowly and takes out a heavy fire handle. Jin Jian carries a huge sword and Jin Jian rushes toward Lin Chong.
"Power type!" Lin saw each other’s weapons and thought, "It’s rare to learn a guy like Long Zhi who can enter the elite group!"
Two field officer armor hedge each other less than one hundred meters distance is two or three seconds.
It was Lin who suddenly threw his fenglei combating Dao at the smoke bell when he saw the smoke bell coming at him.
Touch the guard … Smoke bell is really didn’t think that Lin will throw the melee weapons in his hand as throwing weapons, and it will be hit. However, the armor of field officers can stop the weapons of field officers from being less. At most, this blow will make the armor surface more than a knife mark.
However, Lin’s move made the smoke bell suddenly lose the opportunity and the fighter plane at the same time.
There was a heavy fire in Lin’s hand, and Jin Jian took the lead.
A cigarette bell can block a sword.
A metal staggered ringing for a while like a storm attack from this one sound.
Knock, knock, knock …

15 prison to visit here

Please take good care of everyone who is an escort. They are all angels with broken wings in this generation-how painful it is to understand ——by Liuguang.
Time knows that escort Xia will not be safe all the way. When escorting a lot of np back to Cangling Village, those strange people seem to be dying if they don’t come.
But she never imagined that Xia’s trip would bring her such a big "surprise"
From time to time, it seems that the monsters come out all the way, and they don’t even catch their breath. After killing a wave, a bunch of other athletes enter the stadium. At least there is a special distance between the two teams. You don’t even have a distance. It means that this is a different batch of monsters
You uncle!
The streamer turns grief and indignation into motivation, and kills every one of them.
The gate of Yuhui City is just around the corner. A wave of bandits jumped out of the forest path without saying anything about attacking the streamer. I don’t know how many times this streamer and Xia have suddenly attacked her, so Xia hid aside and went to fight herself.
The mobsters are not strong. She can smash them one by one with ease, leaving only the last one.
The little monster laughed and raised his finger to the streamer behind him. "Look behind you."
"I stopped playing this trick when I was six years old." Time was enough to push the whole person forward and get close to mobster quickly, picking out key places to stab him.
"Bitch! You’re pestering me again! "
"Hehehe Moqing, I have put up with you for a long time. Today, my senior brother is not watching how I can tidy up you!"
There was a quarrel nearby, and soon the short-handed handover was over. I felt that one of them said that his voice was quite familiar and he didn’t think about it carefully, so he quickly turned his attention back to the mobster.
"Sneak attack in the trough!" Flying out of the Woods, an arrow flew out and cursed. I quickly squatted and hid on the spot and hit a roll to solve the monster.
The battle was over in less than a minute.
"All right, Xia …" The streamer clapped her hands and turned around. "Oh, no!"
Ask to escort np to fall in a pool of blood with an arrow stuck in the proud twin peaks-if there is nothing wrong, it is the arrow that passed by her, and the whole person is not good, shaking to identify Xia. Xia’s 15-level neutrality is dead.
"…" At this time, the official notice of escort failed.
Liuguang covered her eyes in frustration and couldn’t bear to look directly at whether she passed by Yusu and kindly pulled this beautiful np.
"You are suspected of hurting the residents of Yuhui City, put away your weapons and come with us. If you resist or escape from the city, you will be killed!" Guards guarding the gate of Yuhui City will soon come to surround the time and point the silver spear at her.
"I this is who make who! I am embarrassed! " Hands up in tears. "Big brother, I’ll follow you. Please take it easy."
The Yugoslav capital captain looked at the streamer and judged that she temporarily waved her hand to let the guards pack up their weapons and tell some people to take Xia’s body away. "You are not wronged by the magistrate and it is best not to play tricks."
"Good captain, no problem, captain" took good advice and entered the prison of the game world for the first time in his life …
"Stay inside." The first-level jailer pushed the streamer, and she couldn’t resist it. She staggered a few steps to hold the wall and stabilize her body. The prison door was locked, and the jailer left the "true back" streamer and bowed her head and kicked the straw lying on the ground.
"Did you kill or set fire?" Hmm? Time flies up. It turns out that there is a man in the cell besides her. His tone is relaxed. Killing and setting fire seems to be a very simple matter-of course, killing and setting fire in the game world is really simple, and you have to bear the corresponding price afterwards.
"I didn’t kill anyone or set fire to it." The streamer replied gloomily, bowing his head and kicking the straw at his feet far away. She wanted to escort np to die behind her. She didn’t want to let her know who stabbed her in the back. She definitely let her taste the arrow!
Time gnashing her teeth, she remembered that two women in the forest were arguing about what was dark, blue and white, and then they fought. One of them sounded familiar. Where have you heard it?
"You didn’t sit down and have a rest in a hurry, did you? It took me a long time to turn to my eyes?" The man persuaded, "I don’t see you killing evil red light. You can go out in one minute."
"You shut up" time is still spinning. Just when you have ideas, you are interrupted and angry.
The man shrugged and leaned against the wall to repose.
Where on earth have I heard it? I can’t remember it when I scratch my head. She knows that the more anxious I am, the more I can’t think of it, but she can’t help wondering where I heard it. It must be when she met and spent some time together.
Just as the streamer was thinking hard, there was a commotion outside from far and near, and then she saw a ghosting image flying over and finally sticking to the iron railing.
"Second ~ I came to see you. How does it feel to be in the cell? How do you feel now? "
"I didn’t expect you to be here today. This should be your first time in prison."
"Deputy, how many days will it take you to come out?"
"Second, you said that even if you were ranked second, how could people be so second? Are you wrong?"
There are many people who come to visit the prison. You say what you say, and I say that I have turned a deserted prison into a large vegetable market. A bunch of "aunts" are talking to the unknown person next to her through the iron railing.
Lift the table and remember a wool. It’s so noisy!
Liuguang gave up recalling the past. She didn’t want to listen to the divination of her cellmate, but she couldn’t hold back the visiting group’s mouth, and she revealed a lot of information as soon as she opened it.
I don’t know if it’s lovesickness, but vice Wang is probably ranked second by the second in command.
Soon after he came in, his front foot came in, and his back foot came in. There was nothing wrong with it. He just picked up a brush monster and didn’t hand it in yet. He was randomly assembled and his teammates gave him a slap in the face. Although he didn’t fail, he came in and stayed here for half a day.
Well, he is also in the top ten in the ranking list.
When visiting the prison, the limited visiting group was soon driven out of the cell by the jailer and returned to the environment where the needles could be heard.
She moved and set off for an unknown direction. She was not used to it. After the excitement, she was lonely and had nothing to say. "Great God, you are very popular. There are so many people visiting you."
The unknown raised his eyebrows and joked, "Why don’t you shut me up?"
"Ha ha" streamer is quick to laugh for a while, but I can’t think of it anyway. I don’t think I can recognize it until I see that person again. "It’s a pity that it’s so quiet to spoil the atmosphere without chatting, don’t you think?"
16 local tyrants and poor gods
Streamer doesn’t like to blow herself up. When the unknown nods to chat for a day, she can’t find a topic. At that time, they are strangely silent.
However, she doesn’t like this quiet and weird atmosphere. It’s very uncomfortable and she doesn’t know what to say. The streamer scratched the wall and hated herself for being inarticulate. She envied those uninvited acquaintances.
"Don’t you want to say something?" Unknown, I want to cry and scratch the wall.
"I don’t know what to say," streamer replied gloomily.
"Then stay quiet."

Xiao pang didn’t spend much money playing games with his three friends, but how much did Xiao pang spend? Xiao pang’s equipment is still good now. Although the jewelry and the left and right grooves are scattered, there is an increase of 15 yin Jian with three good gay friends. It is always seconds, but it has just been given to the front B.

How can you not be fat and desperate, but fortunately, he doesn’t care much about what might happen and say weapons.
A second makes Fat even more desperate. The opposite bss waved a hand and four female ghost swords were lying down in an instant. There was nothing wrong with the friends. They all got stuck and quit the game directly. When Xiao Pang and three friends played again, they found that the former female ghost swordsmen role had disappeared.
Suddenly, there was a falling out in the internet cafe. Four teenagers were clamoring to find trouble with the game company.
There is no doubt that the four female ghost swordsmen were all made into cards by Wu Tian. Speaking of them, the four female ghost swordsmen, that is, four blue cards, just throw equipment. What about the fighting capacity and other orders? Maybe it is not as good as the moon, but it has given Wu Tianqi a door.
Wu day hasn’t given the moon children any equipment. Now that I think about it, if I equip them, everyone will become more severe!
After Wu Tian turned these four female ghost swordsmen into cards, Wu Tian actually received the day as soon as possible. It is not the world of God Card because the world will of God Card is the owner of snow. It is impossible for Wu Tian to produce these days as soon as possible. These days come from the other end of the dimensional gate as soon as possible.
Wu Tian confirmed that Tian as soon as possible came from the other end of the dimensional gate and directly took the moon through the dimensional gate to the other end of the dimensional gate. This place is called Arad mainland, where everything happened in the dungeon warrior game.
After arriving in Arad mainland, the world will actually send out an inquiry idea to ask Wu Tian, the four female ghost swordsmen who just captured it, which array he chose.
There are three villains, adventurers and neutral villains in the array. Wu Tianqian can’t be a villain after this world. It’s a bit too good to do that before.
Every time a villain in this world kills an adventurer, that is, a female ghost swordsman, the character controlled by the player can get benefits from the will of the world.
If Wu Tian wants to be an adventurer, he will share his ability with the world will, and the world will customize an adventurer role according to everything in Wu Tian. If someone makes Wu Tian’s adventurer role fight, it will contribute benefits like Wu Tian.
If you are a neutral, you can trade with both sides, release what you finally get to both sides, and exchange it with the will of the world for something equivalent.
In the world will exchange column, let Wu Tian want it most or blame the upgrade rule. With the upgrade rule of blame, it can be upgraded just like its name.
Wu Tian chose a villain bss, but the will of the world said that it would take a while to build a vice-talk for Wu Tian. Before that, Wu Tian was given a neutral np role. Anyway, Wu Tian had nothing to do, and he came to live in mainland China with the moon Arad.
Chapter one hundred Go to the rune continent Xiao Pang
Xiao pang has been moping since the day when Xiao pang and his four friends lost the female ghost sword. He gave feedback to the guest several times and got the same answer. Respect the player. You have never had the role of Luo Lvli in your account. Please don’t take screenshots to deceive the guest.
Although Xiao Pang is very upset, it is impossible to get out of the pit. After all, the female ghost sword is gone, but there is still a slag Berserker, a slag sword soul. Xiao Pang takes training Berserker as a new goal.
Berserker and Sword Soul are both male ghost swordsmen, and Berserker is a professional who plays more games for Dungeon Warriors. It is a red dog with a red face and a red slang.
Chubby angry method: After recovering the disappearing female ghost sword, she stopped playing the game Dungeon Warrior in anger, and even when she got home, she unloaded the installation package and deleted everything from the hard disk.
After three days of not playing dungeon warriors, Xiao Pang sat in front of his brain again. The brain monitor showed that the dungeon warriors had reached 5% at present, and it would take about ten minutes to leave 5%.
The Dungeon Warriors are wrong. They should be chubby and eager to play games. Actually, there is almost no svip. With svip’s speed of about 66 megabytes per second, it takes 20 minutes to finish a G-plus game.
When Xiao pang waited anxiously for ten minutes and then logged in for five minutes, he had to spit out the game. This game really made players love and hate love. It was played for many years. Feeling and hate is planning to tell players to pay money, but I don’t know how to give more benefits to players. Moreover, this login is super slow and it is easy to encounter the disconnection of the six-character mantra network.
The black waiting interface was unveiled five minutes later, and Xiao Pang saw the game interface for a moment, and Xiao Pang’s palm slammed his mechanical keyboard.
"ah! ~ "Xiao pang whined about the flesh and blood and ended in a fiasco against the metal shell mechanical keyboard Xiao pang.
However, there is nothing more deadly than physical pain. Xiaopang wants to fight against the metal auspicious keyboard because of the right side of the local warrior player room np.
Generally speaking, there is one in the player’s room, that is, Celia Meimei. It is said that Celia Meimei is the last elf in Arad, and the orthodox experience is not the night elves in Dark City.
When doing activities, occasionally some np will appear in the player’s room, which is controlled by Xiao Pang. In the room where Berserker is located, there is a knight and a female knight on the right hand side of Celia.
The female knight is wearing bright silver armor and the word arthur king Alice is suspended on her head. This knight Wang Xiaopang knows that it is the National Day activity np this year, but there is an npp head suspended next to arthur king, which dominates the chef’s moon.
Xiao pang was angry because he saw these things. Xiao pang jumped in circles and cursed, "Damn the game company just lost my female ghost sword data and lied to me. It’s a big bully."
As he spoke, Xiao pang faded, and he really couldn’t do anything to go to court. This is impossible to find a guest again. This family can honestly either not play or play again after ignoring the rest.
Xiao pang remembered his little friend. Although he lost a role and had several full-scale roles, his little friends all had a role. Xiao pang really took a look at the moon’s heart and closed the game. He went to the rune mainland with his little friends. It is said that the rune mainland is very interesting and won’t talk too much money.
Wu Tian would feel a great sense of accomplishment if he knew that he had saved a teenager who was deeply immersed in poisoned milk powder (dnf homonym for Duncheng Warriors)!
The moon is not idle now. After gaining an np status, the moon sells all kinds of food, one to increase the player’s role attributes. Although the food is expensive, it is equivalent to 3 soft sister coins, but there are still several players eager to buy it.
The reason is that the moon sells food to increase the permanent attribute. There are 12 servings per day and 5 servings per hour, but in fact, the moon has made 12 servings of food. Apart from the 12 real foods, the other 12 servings of food are made by the will of the world. The real food has long been eaten by Wu Tianhe and the moon.
Because I feel that these foods can’t give me much besides delicious food, I ate one on Wu Day. He told the moon to put it away and prepare to eat it when Wu Day wanted to eat it or when he was hungry.
It was a whim of Wu Tian to make special food with special materials for the moon, but it gave the moon an extra way to grow. When making food with special materials for the moon, it will gain strength. Although the amount is small, it will accumulate over time.
After the moon food gets gold coins from the players, these gold coins are exchanged for materials like the will of the world and then cooked. The strength of the moon has also increased little by little with the time.
Wu Tian in Arad mainland should be a game world in his cognition, but when Wu Tian arrived in Allard, he found that it was like a game, but it was also the real world. Wu Tian has always wanted to know the information of this world, which made Wu Tianyu the world and hanged himself in the exchange list.
Moreover, the price of Arad mainland is also strange, and the upgrade price is Allard source currency, while the price of Arad mainland is Allard source currency.
It takes 100 million game coins or something equivalent to 100 million game coins to exchange 1 Allard source coin.
Moon only earns 12 Allard source coins every day, and Wu Tian sees that the Allard world will mark its own price.
Chapter one hundred and eleven ones
Wu day saw Arad’s mainland dungeon warrior world, and after the world will price itself for the dungeon warrior world, Wu day decided to get all Arad’s mainland to get the secrets of Arad’s mainland.
Then the next day, Wu Tian won all the prizes in Arad mainland, and Wu Tian contributed all the prizes in the source world. In addition, Einstein Natalia, the chief scientist of Wu Tian, accumulated several world hair and contributed more than half.
When Wu Tian received enough Allard source coins to exchange all the money in this world, Wu Tian was shocked when he learned the truth about this world. This is a pit!
The Allard world is very powerful, because nothing happened. Farmar transformed this world into a French-born human world, but it can be transformed by Farmar. In this world, human beings and all kinds of alien pairs are all Farmar experiments.
Mar is a magician who pursues knowledge and becomes stronger. Arad mainland was born to strengthen the rule of fighting monsters and upgrading. Although this rule is very powerful, it can’t upgrade Mar, and of course it can’t upgrade Wu Tian. It is a waste.
However, Mar’s life is short, and he hasn’t made progress for several years. Mar can rely on the rule of daguai upgrade and regard it as the last possibility.
Arad continent is a world similar to God Card, which contains many worlds. Arad continent’s world will strengthens the upgrade law of fighting monsters through the spirit of fighting monsters when ordinary people play games. Up to now, it can be used by the great magician Mar, but Mar has already died.
Wu Tian got the upgrade rule of daguai at no cost. Suddenly, Wu Tian felt as if he were a god. With the upgrade rule of daguai, Wu Tianke restricted the extraction of enemy projection. Every time he killed the enemy, part of the enemy’s power would be owned by Wu Tian. If he directly killed the enemy, he would gain the enemy’s power.
Wu Tian, it is not difficult to imagine that when this ability is shared with everyone because of the card creation ability, I believe that it will take hundreds of millions of years at most to complete the whole second element by virtue of the two characteristics of limited resurrection and stronger warfare!
The next day, we talked about the invasion of the underworld. Because of the law of fighting monsters and upgrading, the underworld has been weakened and Arad’s mainland has become stronger and stronger. The underworld is no longer Arad’s opponent.
Besides, the underworld is only about level 6, if not weakened. Although the underworld can’t help it, it’s a big deal to call some people from the Terran Parliament battlefield to join the battle.
Pulled the whole world into the world of God Card, and arthur king Alice came back to me because of my help. It seems that something is wrong.
And after Alice came back from arthur king, she stayed in Arad, the mainland, and continued to cook all kinds of food to exercise. Then she took Alice back to the land of gathering spirits on Wu Day.
But it’s strange! When the chosen ones came back, they sent Wu Tianfa some days, from as little as possible to as little as possible, to as poor as possible, to as little as possible, and to as much as the day before yesterday, Wu Tianfa exchanged a bitter experience from the Naruto world.
However, it is strange that it is not because there are too few days as soon as possible, but because the natural selection system has given rewards to the exchange source world, but there is no news at all, although it is reasonable to return to the exchange source world to get rewards, as if it were going back to the past.
After a while, Wu Tian saw Gang Shou, Ning Wu and Huang Zheng.
"Eldest brother ~ I miss you so much ~ ~" Ning Wu dragged his long tail towards Wu Day and watched as he was about to hug Wu Day’s thigh when Ning Wu was stopped.
Huang Zheng’s forefinger and middle finger came together and made a sword finger. The sword finger pointed to the teacher Wu Ning and learned that Ning Wu was settled by him.
"How can an old man pinch you like this? You’re not gay. Why do you want to do such a trivial thing? It’s a good thing that I stopped you. Otherwise, the boss is disgusted by you. I don’t know what bad things will be done to the boss, don’t you think so?"
"Come on, second child, don’t you just show off your body-fixing skills learned from the three-star cave in the heart of the mountain and the moon? If I get there, I have to learn seventy-two changes and somersaults, and I have to let me go quickly," Ning Wu said with a straight face
Huang Zheng waved his hand to understand Wu Ning’s body-holding technique, and took out an old book from her pocket and presented a treasure to Wu Tian as if to say, "I’m ready for you, the younger brother of the eldest body-holding technique."
Wu Tian took the body-building technique and turned over the pages. It was all white paper. No, it was all yellow paper. Because it was too old, it was all yellow. Wu Tiangang was the second child to play with himself. But after thinking about it, I thought it might be because this kind of person pays attention to a chance. I must have a specific person to see it. When I thought of this day, I threw the body-building technique tips into the cloud palace treasure library of the God Card World.
Ning Wu trotted to Wu Tian’s side and laughed and asked, "Boss, do you understand the immobilization technique?"
Wu day stand stand hand truthfully way "no face, not a word"
Ning Wu heard a laugh and embellished it by saying, "Boss, I knew that the second child was deceived by you. I looked at it as a blank sheet of paper without a word. Otherwise, you would demote him to the third child."
Wu Tianwen has been staring at Ning Wu and staring at Ning Wu to see that Ning Wu is all over himself. Ning Wu touches his face and is puzzled. "Boss, my face is not spent. What’s the matter with you looking at me like this!"
Wu Tianke understood Ning Wu’s idea and was cheated into being the third child because of the blazing angel. Ning Wu actually regretted wanting to be the second child. Wu Tian also allowed them to make a noise and have more fun by themselves.
However, when I recalled that I had acquired a family system, why didn’t they seem to be the same? So Wu Tian asked, "Do you have a family system, second child?"
Huang Zheng shook his head and said, "What the hell is it that there is no family as soon as possible! I believe in the exchange system. "
Wu Tianwen has turned his attention to Ning Wu and Ning Wu and shook his head wildly. "Boss, I didn’t say that."

It turns out that the masked man tried to block Jianghan’s oblique sword with his hand in the moment of life and death. Although he missed a bullet and saved his life, this situation is a great shame for his identity!

He glared at Jianghan with malice, and he could almost freeze in his gloomy eyes!
"Damn you, I’ll rip your bones out and drink your flesh!"
Say a few words of malicious words is nothing. Jianghan naturally won’t rest assured that his face will remain the same. He stepped out of silvery white fine steel and soft sword, and his hands were covered with a layer of red. The target was directed at the loss of combat power and two fingers of masked men in Tsing Yi.
It seems to him that verbal attacks are, after all, a thousand words and ten thousand words, so it is better to slap him in the face. Jianghan became white when he was ten years old!
After tiptoeing to the ground, he jumped up and crossed the seven-meter distance in a flash without taking the masked man in Tsing Yi to finish the reaction, and another sword split out!
Jianghan has never learned swordsmanship, but he is quite familiar with all weapons. Tsing Yi people repeatedly retreat from the snake cave. Zhu Yeqing, the number one killer, is so timid for the first time.
His skill is not weak, and he can be said to be a real master.
He is the most trusted person in the snake cave!
Although he is young, I don’t know how much trouble he has solved for the snake king in this star city over the years. Even if he looks at the whole China, it is not convenient for the secretly snake king to conceal the sinister incident. Even if he shows up in the Jianghu, he will definitely be able to break out of some tricks. He was no different today from what he wanted to accomplish. Even if he heard the news of cobra’s failure, Zhu Yeqing didn’t put it at ease. It seems to him that it is normal for a killer to show off his strength with firearms.
He likes to drink blood, secretly cut his flesh with a sharp knife, and kill people with cold weapons, but it’s a pity that he met Jianghan today, which at first glance made him relax his vigilance.
This guy, who looks younger than him, is so terrible in fighting capacity. Although he tries his best to dodge left and right, he still can’t get scarred.
Jianghan didn’t play. What he meant was that this guy had a good posture. Even if he was seriously injured, the software dance in Jianghan’s hand was impenetrable, but it never hurt the life of the Tsing Yi people!
"If you can’t kill me today, I will make you regret it tomorrow ~!"
The voice of masked people in Tsing Yi became more and more gloomy.
"Threatening to say the first time is threatening to say that the second time is fart!"
Jianghan’s killing moves are not only words but also teasing.
Blood stains everywhere in Tsing Yi are in Jianghan’s hands. soft sword Jie is ridiculous. The sharp weapon in the hands of the original killer has become the killer in the hands of the prey at this time!
The masked men in Tsing Yi gnashed their teeth and sneered at a face of Yin Li!
Jianghan’s heart was in a tight tunnel, and at the same time he jumped back more than ten meters!
Sure enough!
"Bang ~!"
There was a hole in Jianghan’s front stand, and stone chips splashed all over the place, and cracks appeared!
"Armor-piercing bullets! Heavy! "
Jianghan’s heart is full of anger and murder!
"This is too special!"
First, the road sniper, then the Tsing Yi killer appeared and was about to kill this spooky Tsing Yi killer, and now a heavy sniper comes out!
"Who wants me dead so badly?"
Jianghan has never been angry before, killing people and drinking blood ten times. Jianghan never bears a grudge. He usually reports it on the spot!
"Bang ~!"
This time, a big hole immediately appeared in the narrow alley wall and was directly penetrated!
Jianghan changed its posture and escaped a thrilling trajectory. soft sword, the subsequent party, galloped towards the Tsing Yi killer who was trying to escape.
In Qin Mufeng’s office on the top floor of Mufeng International Wangyuan Building!
"The chairman of the board, surnamed Jiang, was ambushed and intercepted by a killer near Shifeng Park. According to the latest progress, I heard that the other party had moved heavily!"
Qin Mufeng was angry, and his strong body stood up from moving tables and chairs, like the black dragon Sea Tower, oppressing without any convergence. A face of anger made Qin Mufeng, who had lived in the business world for a long time, rise and fall more dignified!
"Ambush killer heavy being! It’s still a bustling downtown like Chelu Park. What kind of terrorist attack is this? What is the star city government doing to eat? Didn’t they notice it beforehand! "
At this time, Qin Mufeng is no longer the ups and downs in the business world, and his face is bloody and eventful, just like a general who gallops on the battlefield.
A handsome man in a suit and tie was covered with fine sweat on his forehead before his desk. He was so awed by the Qin Mu wind that he couldn’t breathe!
"Dong ~ chairman! The young man just walked out from our animal husbandry international and encountered such a thing if … "
"If what! Maybe who dares to let me Qin Mufeng take the blame for him! "
As soon as this was said, the male secret looked surprised and his eyes were shocked!
"This is still that I know that Qin Mufeng. Is it really from this calm and low-key business community?"
I realized that I had made a slip of the tongue, and the Qin Mu wind looked slightly gathered.
"It’s that boy again. What is his position?"
"I lost my temper several times and it was all because of that teenager!"
Qin Mufeng a face of depression but not words.
When I think of Jianghan’s threatening words before he left, I can’t help thinking of my daughter Qin Mufeng’s terrible pain!
"Tiger, tiger, tiger!"
And then a face of depressed Qin Mufeng is suddenly a pupil shrinks like think of something! And noticed this detail, the male secret immediately felt a cold in his heart, and the chairman wanted to send it again.
"Yan Shu ~!" Qin Mufeng to the table secret shout a way