
1. **清热解毒**:莲子雪耳糖水中的莲子与雪耳均具有清热解毒的功效,有助于缓解因内热引起的咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等症状。


2. **镇定安神**:莲子有安神的作用,适合用于治疗失眠多梦、神经衰弱等问题,有助于改善睡眠质量。

3. **补脾止泻**:莲子能够补脾止泻,对于脾胃虚弱、容易腹泻的人群有很好的调理作用。

4. **滋阴润燥**:雪耳富含蛋白质和多种微量元素,对肺部和呼吸系统有保养作用,能够滋阴润燥,缓解干咳、喉咙干燥等不适。

5. **养颜美容**:雪耳含有丰富的天然特性胶质,加上其滋阴作用,长期服用可以润肤,并有助于祛除脸部黄褐斑、雀斑。

6. **健脾益肾**:莲子具有健脾益肾的功效,能够滋养脾肾,改善消化吸收功能和肾脏代谢,有助于提高人体免疫力。

7. **润肺补肾**:雪耳和莲子均对肺部和肾脏有益,有助于缓解肺燥咳嗽、腰膝酸软等症状。

8. **增强抵抗力**:雪耳莲子糖水中的营养素可以增强人体抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。

9. **促进肠胃蠕动**:莲子雪耳糖水有助于促进肠胃蠕动,保护胃肠粘膜,对于改善消化不良、便秘等肠道问题有一定帮助。


10. **补气和血**:此糖水具有一定的补气和血作用,有助于改善气血不足、面色苍白等症状。



1. **增强免疫力**:松茸酒中的松茸多糖成分可以显著提高人体免疫力,增强机体对疾病的抵抗能力。

2. **抗癌作用**:松茸中含有多种抗癌物质,如松茸醇,具有抗基因突变和抗癌变的能力,适量饮用松茸酒有助于预防癌症。

3. **调节血糖**:松茸酒中的多糖结构与胰岛素相似,可以在体内发挥类似胰岛素的作用,有助于降低血糖,适合糖尿病患者饮用。

4. **延缓衰老**:松茸中的粗多糖活性物质可以抑制络氨酸酶的活性,减少体内黑色素的生成和沉积,同时富含的抗氧化物质如硒、维生素等,有助于延缓衰老。

5. **改善心血管功能**:松茸酒具有提高SOD活性,清除自由基,改善心血管功能,促进新陈代谢。

6. **抗辐射**:松茸多糖能够消除细胞所受到的各种辐射伤害,对预防辐射有显著效果。

7. **强身健体**:松茸酒具有强身、益肠胃、止痛、理气化痰等功效,对于身体健康有全面的促进作用。

8. **补肝养胃**:松茸酒可以补肝,改善脾胃,对于预防便秘和辅助治疗慢性疾病都有很大功效。


9. **美容养颜**:松茸中的有效成分能够干预黑色素沉积的过程,从而达到美容的效果。



1. **养生保健**:
– 女儿红酒精度适中,含有多种氨基酸、维生素和矿物质,适量饮用可以促进身体健康。
– 有助于消化和增进食欲。

2. **美容养颜**:


– 含有的多种营养成分有助于改善皮肤状况,有一定的美容养颜效果。


3. **提神醒脑**:
– 适量饮用可以提神醒脑,缓解疲劳。

4. **促进血液循环**:
– 女儿红中的某些成分可以促进血液循环,有助于改善心血管健康。

5. **调节身体机能**:
– 适量饮用可以帮助调节身体机能,增强免疫力。

6. **促进新陈代谢**:
– 有助于促进新陈代谢,有助于身体健康。



– **适量饮用**:男性每日不超过1两,女性每日不超过半两。
– **搭配食物**:饮用时搭配一些下酒菜,可以减少酒精对胃的刺激。
– **避免空腹饮酒**:空腹饮酒会加速酒精吸收,增加肝脏负担。



1. **磨牙与清洁牙齿**:狗狗在啃咬骨头的过程中,可以有效地磨平牙齿,帮助去除牙齿上的牙垢和牙石,从而预防口腔疾病,如牙周病。

2. **补充矿物质**:骨头中含有钙、磷等矿物质,狗狗在啃咬过程中可以摄取到这些矿物质,对它们的骨骼和牙齿健康有益。

3. **锻炼咬合能力**:啃咬骨头能够锻炼狗狗的咬合肌,增强其咬合力,这对狩猎或保护自己的行为是有帮助的。

4. **减少破坏行为**:狗狗啃咬骨头能够消耗其过剩的精力,有助于转移注意力,减少对家中物品的破坏。

5. **口腔健康**:啃咬骨头可以减少狗狗口腔中的异味,帮助预防口臭。


6. **自然行为**:从狗狗的祖先遗传来看,啃咬是它们的一种自然行为,模仿野外捕食动物的行为,有助于保持它们的自然习性。


– **选择合适的骨头**:大棒骨如猪骨、牛骨、羊骨等较硬的骨头适合狗狗啃咬,而鸡骨、鱼骨等细小、尖锐的骨头则容易导致食道堵塞或肠道损伤。


– **避免长时间啃咬**:建议每次让狗狗啃咬的时间控制在20-40分钟,避免过度啃咬。
– **观察狗狗的反应**:在狗狗啃咬骨头时,要观察其是否有不适的反应,如咳嗽、呕吐或拒绝进食等,如有异常应立即停止。
– **清洁卫生**:确保给狗狗的骨头是干净的,避免细菌感染。



1. **丰富的维生素和矿物质**:旱萝卜中含有大量的维生素C、维生素A、钾、钙、镁等矿物质。这些营养成分对于维持人体的正常生理功能、增强免疫力、促进生长发育等都具有重要作用。

2. **抗氧化作用**:旱萝卜中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如类黄酮、花青素等,这些物质可以帮助清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,预防心血管疾病和癌症。

3. **膳食纤维**:旱萝卜含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,降低肠道疾病的风险。同时,膳食纤维还可以帮助控制血糖和胆固醇水平。


4. **促进消化**:旱萝卜中的芥子油具有促进食欲、帮助消化的作用。芥子油能刺激唾液和胃液分泌,有助于食物的消化和吸收。



5. **清热解毒**:旱萝卜性凉,具有清热解毒的功效。在炎热的夏季,食用旱萝卜可以清热降火,缓解体内热毒。

6. **增强免疫力**:旱萝卜中的维生素C、维生素A等营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

7. **辅助治疗疾病**:旱萝卜具有一定的药用价值,可辅助治疗咳嗽、哮喘、消化不良等疾病。

8. **适应干旱环境**:旱萝卜在干旱、半干旱地区生长,具有较好的耐旱性。这种特性使其成为干旱地区的重要蔬菜之一,有助于保障当地居民的饮食需求。



1. **提高免疫力**:辣木茶富含多种维生素和矿物质,能够增强身体体质,提高免疫力,有效抵抗疾病。

2. **排毒利便**:辣木茶具有降火除湿、排毒利便的功效,对于长期便秘或秘便的患者有显著的辅助治疗作用。


3. **安神养脑**:辣木茶不含咖啡因,可以提神醒脑、消除疲劳、抗忧郁,有助于改善睡眠质量。

4. **调节血糖**:辣木茶中的钾、锰、铬等微量元素以及精氨酸、赖氨酸等氨基酸,有助于分泌胰岛素和调节血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助作用。

5. **降血脂**:辣木茶能降低体内血清、肝脏和肾脏中的胆固醇,并增加血清蛋白,有助于降低血脂。



6. **抗癌作用**:辣木根的生物碱具有抑制癌细胞生长的作用,可用于癌症和肿瘤的植物疗法。

7. **预防高血压**:辣木茶含钾量高,有助于对抗高钠饮食导致的高血压。

8. **保护胃黏膜**:辣木茶具有消炎止痛作用,可用于胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡、粘膜炎等。

9. **促进睡眠**:辣木茶不含咖啡因,晚上饮用不影响睡眠,反而有助于安神。

10. **抗氧化**:辣木茶含有丰富的抗氧化剂,如维生素C、-胡萝卜素、槲皮素和绿原酸等,有助于对抗自由基,减少氧化损伤。

11. **防治眼部疾病**:辣木茶含有丰富的维生素A、B族维生素、C、E等,有助于预防和治疗眼部疾病,如视网膜静脉扩张、白内障等。

12. **解酒**:辣木茶中的活性成分能够保护胃部,加快酒精散发,减轻醉酒的不适。


The doctor stopped the pill mound and refused to eat it anyway

Everyone is depressed to death. Will others harm Su Orange?
You are quite wary at an early age!
Actually, Ziyue misunderstood Qiuqiu.
Because Sue orange lethargy is what she can do by hypnosis to wake up the medicine, no matter what.
Moreover, Su Orange is angry, full of qi and blood, and short of breath. If she takes medicine at random, she is afraid that something will go wrong.
Ziyue couldn’t help it, and others couldn’t persuade him to give up the medicine and feed Su Orange some water.
Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with her body, and she will wake up on her own even if she doesn’t take medicine for a while.
Qiuqiu prone on the bed sobbed tears going round and round in his eyes.
I really didn’t cause a lot of trouble to my master because I was weak and lazy. It was just a consumption, and it took a lot of master’s hard work to get the energy value
When she realized this problem, she decided to work hard to make herself strong quickly, so she left home without saying goodbye and went out to play wild.
The demon pet baby can improve its own qualification and combat effectiveness through the owner’s energy value, and can also grow up by fighting with the same kind, and the latter has a more obvious effect of upgrading its qualification.
Wandering outside for several days, I finally found a pet with weak ability. After a fight, the two pets were tied.
Seeing that the owner of that guy found Qiuqiu, she secretly called it bad. She was exhausted and couldn’t "go back to the city" quickly. As a result, she was either killed or eaten by the other pet as food.
Just when Qiuqiu was in despair, the pet owner actually stepped on the dying pet with a cold hum and ruthlessly crushed it. "I won’t take in waste!" No guy! "
Qiuqiu watched the pet belch with painful blood and tears in his eyes.
The owner can abandon his pet, but every pet is absolutely sincere to the owner and can never betray him.
Qiuqiu has some sympathy for this opponent …
After that guy killed his pet, he probably felt that Qiuqiu’s strength was too poor, so he didn’t have to catch it back and domesticate it. Even if he fed it to other pets, he couldn’t get much growth value, so he gave up.
Qiuqiu was too useless to get away with it.
It was a relief to see the man leave Qiuqiu without looking back. If she was to be caught as someone else’s pet, she would definitely rather die than surrender.
She still overestimates her own family and doesn’t take her seriously. Okay!
Watching the same kind of bodies fall into a dilemma and bury them? Eat it?
Poor guy …
While sympathizing with his dead opponent, he clearly realized a cruel reality.
What should I do if one day the owner feels that he has not become the same as the owner just now-abandoning himself and killing himself?
Looking back on getting along with Su Orange, I feel more gentle with my master for monks.
And it must be very dangerous for the owner to be stared at by vampire people!
No way! She must not be soft-hearted. Now that this guy is dead, it’s too rough to bury it. Just eat it!
In this way, its energy can also be continued in your body!
After making up his mind, Qiuqiu got up from the ground and shook his body. He walked over to the dead pet and prayed before meals. "I’m sorry! I must eat you now! I hope your qualifications are good, otherwise I don’t want to eat corpses. "
Then squat down and close your eyes, grab each other’s bodies and bite them …
So this guy’s meat is so delicious!
So Qiuqiu put all his worries aside and ate a big meal happily!
Yagen didn’t realize that if she hung up and was eaten by her opponent, he would think she was delicious!
After eating a whole pet, Qiuqiu felt full. No, it was very supportive!
But it feels great. I’m full of strength
I feel so good after eating such a weak guy. What if I eat a pet with stronger ability?
After eating, Qiu Qiu wiped his mouth and stretched himself. Suddenly he felt as if something was wrong.
Take a look through a puddle with rain next to it? How did you get taller and bigger?
Look down at your body, your chest is bulging, and your waist is showing. The small short legs have become beautiful long legs!
I’ve changed myself!
What a pleasant surprise!
It seems that we have to kill more pets to eat!
Even if you can’t beat it … go to places where pets are often discarded and pick up some fresh corpses to eat!
I can’t help but feel sick when I think so …
I’m too idealistic. It’s a shame to increase my energy by picking up corpses!
Well, let’s fight! Maybe I am much stronger now!

"…" Long Zhiyu

It is true that everything has a double-sided bond. What do you think of it? In this matter, Long Zhi’s idea is conservative, but Lin intends to be radical, but the final decision is still in Lin Shen, not Long Zhi Shen.
Lin looked at Long Zhi and went on to say, "Long Zhi, if you really want to calculate your IQ, you must be higher than me. In normal times, your brain moves quickly before things happen. You are used to solving things before things happen … When you encounter unexpected situations, your IQ can’t be brought into play, but I am different. I am used to keeping a certain degree of movement in normal times, and it will speed up when encountering sudden situations."
"All you need to practice is that you don’t need to know how to fight like a body, but you need to know how to fight like a brain … Training in other places is nothing for you. Even if you are much better equipped than your opponent and have an overwhelming advantage, it is not without the possibility of capsizing in the gutter."
"If your brain can’t move in the battle … you should know that we have one hundred places in the elite group."
Chapter one hundred and ninety The first battle of the tournament!
On the eve of match day
Liveliness is inevitable. There are players in every city and every base in Time. Now, almost no one is playing tricks outside to make money, but they are all in the city.
Now is the best time to do business.
Whether it’s armor trading market, resource trading market, mineral trading market … everyone in the market is full.
Those armor refitting division, armor equipment weapon maintenance division, armor designer … are all too busy to find them. They all have to queue up outside the factory.
Lin and Long Zhi’s sweet water base has no trading market and few players … Even after more than two months, few players can reach here.
If you want to enter the competition venue, you can stay in the city or base.
But also can be directly connected to the network to watch live games.
Lin prepared a free day and then watched the live broadcast … curtain ceremony.
Celebrate the first anniversary of the operation of Time and hold the curtain ceremony of the first competitive competition … curtain ceremony This is probably the ancient tradition that human beings have never changed since ancient times.
The curtain ceremony is very simple, that is, the person in charge of the game "Time" of the God Corps came out and said a few words, either to encourage everyone to fight fairly and not to make false classes … Finally, he said, I wish you good results, and then it was over.
Very brief curtain ceremony
Next, a song will be played … until the competition is coming.
"ding! Whether to enter the virtual competition venue! "
Lin didn’t think much about closing his eyes and opening them again, but he appeared in the competition field. This is a street in a ruined city.
Shops and houses are parked on the street with thick dust, and the car is lying on the route pole. Some broken newspapers are mixed with yellow leaves, and they move when the wind blows.
"ding! You belong to the elite group, and the competition is in the knockout stage. The cumulative defeat of ten games in each competition is eliminated, and the remaining one person is mixed into the ranking stage. "
"Ten minutes at the end of each game in the knockout stage, the world ends regardless of the winner’s armor damage. Calculate the winner’s armor damage, calculate the winner’s energy consumption, and calculate the effective attack times of the winner’s energy consumption …"
Anyway, the outcome must be separated, and there will never be a so-called draw.
"Your opponent enters the playing field!"
Lin looked at the player’s screen less than 100 meters in front of him and showed the opponent’s data code’ Smoke Bell’ to win or lose!
It is estimated that Lin’s armor screen on the other side also shows the same data except the code name.
"Smoke bell …" Lin saw this code and immediately turned over the information in his brain. He didn’t find this code. The throne smiled and said, "I’m really lucky if I’m not a throne!"
After looking at the code name of Lin”, the smoke bell across the street was slightly thoughtful. "Lucky I didn’t meet the throne in the first game!"
Then Lin paid attention to other things.
Smoke bell armor is also a field officer armor’ fenglei armor’ weapon has not been taken out yet. I don’t know what weapon the other party is carrying or how many weapons they are carrying.
Smoke bell also almost pay attention to Lin armor’ ice armor’ weapons didn’t take out don’t know what the other weapon is.
This is the observation preparation stage, this is a competition, and you won’t be ambushed or ambushed in one game.
"Countdown to 3,2,1!"
Lin Li is about to take out fenglei combating Dao from tactical backpack, lean slightly and rush toward the smoke bell quickly. The smoke bell doesn’t move slowly and takes out a heavy fire handle. Jin Jian carries a huge sword and Jin Jian rushes toward Lin Chong.
"Power type!" Lin saw each other’s weapons and thought, "It’s rare to learn a guy like Long Zhi who can enter the elite group!"
Two field officer armor hedge each other less than one hundred meters distance is two or three seconds.
It was Lin who suddenly threw his fenglei combating Dao at the smoke bell when he saw the smoke bell coming at him.
Touch the guard … Smoke bell is really didn’t think that Lin will throw the melee weapons in his hand as throwing weapons, and it will be hit. However, the armor of field officers can stop the weapons of field officers from being less. At most, this blow will make the armor surface more than a knife mark.
However, Lin’s move made the smoke bell suddenly lose the opportunity and the fighter plane at the same time.
There was a heavy fire in Lin’s hand, and Jin Jian took the lead.
A cigarette bell can block a sword.
A metal staggered ringing for a while like a storm attack from this one sound.
Knock, knock, knock …

The equipment characteristics can activate the soul attribute of the battle song suit only when the equipment is equipped with a handshake and blood marks (shoes)

Equipment skills lightning thunderbolt hand
After the lightning bolt hand starts the skill, the equipment will get the amazing hand speed like flint, the cooldown of all attack skills will be 45 minutes, and the cooldown of special state skills will be doubled for 1 second.
Soul attribute physical attack power+2% magic defense power+15%
Equipment level 2 to 4
Actually, it is a purple equipment, and its attributes are still so good. Although this equipment is not exclusive professional equipment, it should be more suitable for melee physical attack occupations, especially for assassins. However, there is no assassin occupation in the team now, and it is finally decided to adopt the melee occupation roll point.
For this kind of thing, the cat is the favorite of a panacea profession, and he can participate in almost all the roll points, and so is the melee physics profession this time.
However, in the end, the result of the roll point was not the last laugh. In the end, this purple armguard was successfully rolled by the old cat. Speaking of it, this is also a good thing. At least with this armguard, the old cat can equip skills to reduce the cooldown of attack skills, so that his super killer skills, dragons and phoenixes, are even sharper.
The last piece of equipment was expected by everyone and finally appeared.
Gray Fog Shield (Orange) Defense 29943 Magic Royal 35644
_ ____w_ w_ w___ __ _o_m
Blood volume+4
Block success rate+15%
Additional Attribute 1 Constitution+1
2 spirit+
3 Critical Strike Resistance+5%
4 each successful block will be superimposed for 3 minutes, and the 5% physical defense and magic defense bonus can be superimposed by 3%.
5 Curse skill resistance+5%
Every successful block has a 5% chance to clear the cursed state and a 5% chance to reflect the cursed state back to the performer.
Equipment Mosaic Hole Quantity 2 (Not Mosaic)
Equipment special effects After equipping this shield, the deputy will show a gray smoky effect. In this effect, all shield launching skills will get a special effect of interrupting the opponent’s casting by 65%.
Equipment skill rotating flying shield
When the rotating flying shield passes the 15-second guidance, the shield in your hand will be thrown out of the shield, which will make a rotating strike in the middle. It will hit the most opponents within 1 meter of the center of the equipment, so that the attacked person will enter a state of dizziness for 2 seconds, and the skill will cool down for 3 minutes.
Equipment classes all two-turn knight classes
Exclusive professional attributes damage sacred races or occupations by+15%; In darkness or fog, the equipment’s visual range+5 and movement speed+5.
Equipment level 2 to 4
This shield naturally belongs to Grandet. Although the guy in the cat wanted this shield very much, it should be given to the first M in Grandet’s team.
Besides, the other equipment of Grandet is not bad, but the shield has always been very bad. It is estimated that the blue shield of Grandet will feel sad after being seen by other knights.
Now Grandet has finally got a shield with good attributes, which makes Grandet even more happy. The skill called "rotating flying shield" is actually a group control skill
After reading the five pieces of equipment exploded by two boss, it can be regarded as a happy thing in general. Two sets of purple suits have been assembled and an orange equipment has been successfully synthesized.
Next, it’s up to a boss to show those two skills.
Riptide Net (rare) This skill is unique in the moat of Qingluan City. However, with the death of the evil river eel demon, this stunt has been completely lost. Fortunately, it has left such a secret book to use its own magic to motivate the power of thunder and water in the gas to cause two damage to all enemies within 2 meters ahead. The first time, the mixed damage of water and physical elements is 15 times. All the attacked ones have a 1% chance to enter the fixed state for 15 seconds. The second time, the lightning damage is 1 time. All the attacked people have a 5% chance to enter a state of paralysis ranging from 13 seconds and consume 1 magic point. You need a professional thunder mage or frost mage for 15 minutes when the skill cools down.
The basic three-type (special) skill is the most basic attack reinforcement, which includes three attack skill modes: [heavy chop], [sweeping] and [stabbing]. [heavy chop] motivates its own magic to lead the body to cause a heavy blow to the enemy, causing 12 times physical damage to an enemy in front; [Sweep] Motivate one’s own magic to guide one’s body strength to sweep one degree ahead, causing 15 times physical damage to at most five opponents in the range of 3 meters and one degree ahead; [Spit] Motivate your own magic to guide your body to stab a fatal blow to the enemy in front, causing 125 times physical damage to an enemy in front. This attack has a 33% chance of crit [heavy chop] and [sudden stab] modes, which cost 5 points of magic, and [sweep] consumes 1 point of magic. "Slash" and "Stab" skills cool down for 15 seconds. "Sweep" skills cool down for 1 second, which requires all physical attack classes.
Of these two skills, the basic three types are directly given to this guy.
I really don’t want to say that this skill is really designed for him. Although this skill is negligible in the general physics profession, for the mechanical master who has almost no means of attack, this skill directly adds three kinds of melee means to him, and the magic consumption of these three means of attack is so small, which further strengthens the combat endurance of this guy.

Immortal burial is inevitable. Otherwise, everything will disappear in chaos and desolation, but the fall of immortals is not so auxiliary. The road to reincarnation is enough to keep a few percent of the strong creatures returning from the fall. "

Li Yu feels that the long river of time cannot be disobeyed, but the subtle changes and waves do not affect his immortal life, leaving the last pure land to keep the fire strong, and the fire can bloom brilliantly in ancient times.
At the very least, the bronze coffin of III can block the dark corrosion and fear its infection; Even with his external interference.
This is the inevitable fate at the end of the era. The emperor fell so mysteriously, so immortal, so chaotic, so desolate, but with different objects.
"connecting heaven and earth, connecting ancient and modern times and the last pure land can protect the danger"
At the moment, there is also a sound in the depths of the world, which plays a sacred and peaceful role and brings auspicious clouds. All over the sky, it is transformed by avenue runes.
Fairy medicine robs the body?
His heart moved forward and went to the sound place.
I saw a grand fairy tree take root in the central trunk of the ancient coffin world, like a dragon climbing to the sky and falling down one branch after another, like a chain of order gods ringing.
There are many fruits hanging on the surface like species, and all kinds of laws and traces are looming, and there are different worlds, different bodies and different strong people’s breath, constantly emitting fairy sounds like Zen singing and praying like ancestors.
If you look closely, the colors of the fruits are different, and many of them have been destroyed in the sea. In the ancient world, there were pulp containing the flame, which was preserved in the prosperous period. Even the fruit body exudes brilliance and charm.
"The tree on Zhuxian Road Avenue has produced so many fruits that it is many times stronger than all trees; The day of the return of the heavens is when Wang Chengdi is broken. "
Li Yu can’t help smiling. Not the kui is that he always keeps the candle fairy fruit in one hand and leaves it directly outside the bronze coffin of III. He decomposes and spreads the roots of the heavens without worrying about falling or accidents.
With this sacred object to cover up the cause and effect of the secret, can it be unknown to kill the bronze coffin of III to cut down his tree? It can be said that at present, this area is the safest and most suitable
In the past, he set up a candle fairy road, which was sublimated by the major robbers; It is divided into five stages: dust, spring root, traditional age, Zhao Yang, and candle tree, that is, planting a fairy tree on the growth avenue. It corresponds to the true fairy to the quasi-fairy king, bathing in fairy fire, which means burning a fire.
Once the fairy tree bears fruit, it is the time when the fairy king is more accurate and the fairy throne is achieved, and the fairy medicine robs the body. The trees are full of fruits, and it is difficult to describe how much it has reached. Even every fruit has given birth to the emperor’s light. The benefits of sowing the heavens are really huge
Of course, there are also people who are destined for each other, and the rise of Tianjiao has paid for them. Their roads have been branded, and the long years of pregnancy, nurturing, broadening and sublimation have been different.
He wanted to think about taking out the three species in his hand and flying them into the avenue tree, and then the whole fairy tree swayed.
Boom! It’s like the flood of all worlds sweeping through several ancient history, and every species has a streamer shooting into the cosmic community behind Li Yu. It’s a brilliant flame and a clear body trace!
This stems from the accumulation of immortal medicine in the years of emperor’s fall, and it has been sown in all worlds, and it has gained too much. Now it is fed back to his instantaneous sublimation community structure, and there are different bodies in every universe. This is’ qualitative’ sublimation!
"I raise you."
Avenue tree rang with such a sentence that Li Yu jumped out of the corner of his eye and had a strange feeling.
Since when does he have such a bad taste? Compassion.
"The rest of the language is to continue to build the universe group, and it can also fill enough practice places. The boundary sea is really a good place."
He took out some earth and surrounded the avenue tree several times to improve the soil quality, then he turned and left.
Coming here is a big success. The Taoist method has not been sublimated properly. The immortal road has become a king and found a piece of doomsday pure land. The cosmic community has also been filled with traces of fire and light, and it can be decorated before leaving.
King Jun Tuoxian outside the bronze coffin of III has recovered from his epiphany, which has made up for the gap and made Ken Wang a top fairy. Meet reincarnation wang qian, he is still a long way from this level, and he is valued by the kings, or he is not necessarily weaker than the top because of his special blood.
Now it’s only a few hundred thousand years, and he has crossed this gap and achieved great success. He wants to think about it, but he dare not think about it.
"A small step back was a big step today; Bow your head and lay flat on the future. I realized. "
He regrets that this is the Wang Neng ratio of Fairyland? Can’t compare with him, he has won too much, and there is still a vast world to soar in the future.
"What did you realize?"
Li Yu was a little curious about how this mount suddenly became transparent. What did you realize from the emperor’s fire?
"Broad sky"
The word "Jun Tuo confides" is very awesome.
It was his half-life experience that made him realize that it was precious and he decided to go well.
Li Yu rode to the road and said, "days of our lives has just seen days of our lives."
"The emperor has a high opinion!"
A long chant sounded, and Jun Tuo Xianwang came out with reincarnation and sailed to the place where he measured the sky.
They crossed the North Sea and shuttled through the ancient land to find out that it is not a secret that it is located among the kings of the Nine Days, but few people can understand it. Only the King of the Ants, Monks and Monks in the Tianjiao can understand one or two.
The former took this opportunity to enter the Taoist temple, and the latter tasted it, that is, even if it was integrated into the golden body, it had good attainments.
The origin of the immortal sutra is mysterious. No one knows whether it originated in the age or the oldest. The strong people don’t know whether there are strong people who think that heaven and earth evolved naturally.
Once the complete Immortal Sutra is practiced, it is difficult to destroy the physical psychic; Even if the gods are scattered, this body is immortal.
It’s said that once you reach dzogchen, even if the Yuan God is scattered and destroyed, one day, after a long period of accumulation, your body can reunite with a spirit!
In other words, this is the real meaning of immortality, which is the source of great power that connects the human body.
Some people even explain that it is not a new individual who is pregnant with Yuanshen again by the physical body after tens of millions of years, and still has pre-remodeling memories.
"The Immortal Fairyland has also heard that such a famous ant once challenged the immortal king and killed the immortal king, which attracted many kings’ attention."
Jun, it’s really extraordinary to carry that powerful angel ant.
"This sutra is a natural creation and a special interpretation of the human body by Da Kun."
Li Yu, for a moment, attached great importance to this sutra, and realized that the eternal body blended with extraordinary flesh and fruit.
A lot of times, it is not enough to have lofty sentiments. All the innovations and new ways are to build the glory of predecessors, and only when we have enough lessons can we collide with more brilliant martial arts and wisdom.
Just as he himself was incorruptible, he was still honestly practicing the secret methods of his predecessors to polish and strengthen his foundation, and when the right time comes, he will naturally be able to fly to the sky and establish his own method.
This is a step-by-step process, and it is forbidden to aim too high.
Ten days later, they found the golden light looming ahead of this ancient land, which seemed to be the most blissful and peaceful.
A few pieces of golden hide paper, the magnificent peaks that shine brightly, keep turning and making a loud noise, and there are all kinds of symbols blooming and chanting the strongest scriptures in ancient times.
"The Immortal Sutra has not been scattered at this time and it is complete."
Li Yu looks at one symbol after another, which is the incarnation of Tao, bearing complicated meanings and untouchable.
One of the characteristics of the original immortal scriptures is that after a living thing has mastered some of his chapters, that part of the scriptures will disappear for a period of time before reappearing; Now it is quite a long time since the rise of the ant, so it has been bred again.
He climbed to the top of the mountain and personally touched the bearing. It’s not like every piece of hide paper is like a universe bearing stars, giving people a heavy feeling as if it were going to collapse here.
Immortal!’ Immortal!’ Eternal robbery!’
The sound of chanting at the top of the mountain is deafening, which makes people realize the Tao and fall into the deepest level of understanding, just like an awakening.
Li Yu realized that this scripture is sacred and solemn, just like an immortal preaching there!
In an instant, there are traces of the past intertwined with mottled light and shadow of the future. It seems that there are different figures coming over. He saw the angel ant, the later creatures and a young man with a sword.
The eternal peak may really affect the time balance, which is a special node mystery.
There are ripples in the faint time, and they are staggered at different times. It seems that he has experienced a little ripple spread, but it has been smoothed in a short time.
Jun looked at this vision all over the sky and meditated. If you practice this method, Xuanwu Ba’s blood and flesh will be surprisingly hard.
Over the past hundred years, the vision on the top of the mountain has gradually disappeared, and Li Yu has recovered. He has gained a lot by combining the immortal scriptures with his own eternal body.
He looked at the disappearing chapter, raised his hand a little bit, and kept the previous node scripture when the cycle changed, and it was filled enough for a predestined relationship.
"It’s a pity that there is an immortal scripture, but there is no sublimation scripture occultism, otherwise it would be wonderful to match it."
Jun Tuo shook his head, but this practice to perfection is also an alternative blessing to the Yuan God, which can reproduce the true self.
Yuanshen? Li Yuwen’s words suddenly interrupted his mind, and at first he thought of the reincarnation seal. This reincarnation seal has an alternative mysterious cooperation that can sublimate the Yuan God.
"So it seems that there may be another way to improve the strength of Yuan God. If I disperse Yuan God into ten cycles, will it be effective if I practice and grow until the new Yuan God is born and then merge?"
Li Yu thought about the possibility of this practice and was very willing to give up his hand. He simply regarded this body as a crop after cutting a piece of land.
He has ten reincarnation seals, and he also practices immortality. It seems that he can really try it.
Chapter four hundred and seventy-seven Qi broke through the ancient monk stronghold
Clouds like frost, dome walls like mirrors, mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, not seeing the moon, the sea and the moon, hiding the chest and not smelling the stars.
The great red sky is prosperous, and all ethnic groups are full of strong clouds. During this period of sealing the king, many young people went to the original imperial city to sharpen their bodies in the frontier to create brilliance.
Nowadays, there are too many people in the world, such as Wang Zu and Huozu, who are close to sealing the king. More outstanding people have the rise of the younger generation, and war reports are sent back from time to time to make people excited.