
1. **皮肤清洁与美容**:鱼疗中的小鱼会啄食人体老化皮质、细菌和毛孔排泄物,有助于清洁皮肤,促进皮肤呼吸,达到美容养颜的效果。

2. **促进新陈代谢**:鱼疗能够帮助人体吸收温泉水中的多种矿物质,加速新陈代谢,从而有助于身体排毒和健康。


3. **缓解疲劳**:在温泉中,小鱼围绕人体活动,能够帮助缓解一天的旅途疲劳,增加休闲的乐趣。


4. **改善睡眠质量**:鱼疗时,小鱼对皮肤的刺激有放松神经、改善睡眠质量的作用。

5. **促进血液循环**:鱼疗能促进全身血液循环,有助于缓解肌肉紧张和疲劳。

6. **抗衰老**:鱼疗被认为有助于延缓皮肤老化,使皮肤保持弹性。

7. **调节神经系统**:鱼疗如同按摩,能够逐步刺激穴位,调节神经系统。

8. **保健与养生**:鱼疗可以作为一种保健方式,有助于增强免疫力,提高身体抵抗力。



1. **收敛止血**:白芨能够增强血小板第三因子的活性,显著缩短凝血时间及凝血酶原形成时间,对局部出血有止血作用。因此,它常用于治疗咳血、吐血、外伤出血、溃疡出血等症状。


2. **消肿生肌**:白芨的苦寒性质有助于清热消肿解毒,其质黏而涩的特点能促进生肌敛疮。因此,对于未溃或已溃的疮疡、痈疽肿毒、手足皲裂、肛裂、疮疡等均有疗效。

3. **补肺**:白芨味苦、甘、涩,性微寒,归肺经,具有补肺的作用。适用于肺炎、肺结核等疾病的治疗。

4. **美白淡斑**:白芨含有丰富的挥发性油和粘液质成分,常应用于美容品中,具有美白淡斑的效果。

5. **其他功效**:白芨还具有抗菌、抗真菌的作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草杆菌、人型结核杆菌等有抑制作用。此外,白芨还能保护胃粘膜,对犬实验性胃、十二指肠穿孔具有治疗作用。

– 白芨性味苦、甘、涩,寒,归肺、肝、胃经。
– 不宜与乌头类中药(如川乌、制川乌、草乌、制草乌、附子)同用,以免破坏药效。
– 老弱病残孕者应在医生指导下使用,避免私自用药。
– 任何药物都不能代替专业医生的诊断和治疗。



1. **丰富矿物质**:皂米中含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、磷、铁等,这些矿物质对于维持人体的骨骼健康、血液循环以及新陈代谢都具有重要意义。

2. **膳食纤维**:皂米含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘,减轻肠胃负担,有利于维护消化系统的健康。

3. **氨基酸**:皂米含有多种人体必需的氨基酸,能够帮助人体合成蛋白质,增强体力。

4. **微量元素**:皂米中含有人体所需的微量元素,如锌、硒等,这些元素对于免疫系统的维护和细胞的健康都有重要作用。

5. **养心通脉**:皂米具有养心通脉的功效,对于心脏健康有一定的益处,能够改善血液循环。

6. **清肝明目**:长期食用皂米有助于清肝明目,对于眼部健康有益。

7. **安神益气**:皂米还具有安神益气的功效,对于改善睡眠质量、增强体力有一定的帮助。

8. **美容养颜**:皂米中含有的多种营养成分有助于美容养颜,延缓衰老。

9. **润肠通便**:由于皂米含有丰富的膳食纤维,适量食用有助于润肠通便,改善便秘问题。

10. **滋补养生**:皂米作为一种滋补食材,经常食用可以起到养生保健的作用。




### 紫草的益处解析:

1. **凉血活血**:紫草具有凉血的作用,可以缓解因热毒引起的血热症状,同时活血化瘀,有助于改善血液循环。


2. **生肌化腐**:紫草可以促进伤口愈合,对于皮肤溃疡、烧伤等有一定的治疗效果。

3. **解毒疗疮**:紫草能够解毒,对于疮疡、麻疹不透、皮肤湿疹、尿布疹、热毒疹等有较好的治疗效果。

4. **抗炎作用**:紫草中的成分能够抑制细菌滋生,具有消炎、杀菌、抗病毒的作用。

5. **促进创口愈合**:紫草中的多种氨基酸和矿物质有助于调节细胞生长,促进损伤组织的修复。

6. **止痛作用**:紫草中的有机酸和黄酮类化合物具有轻微的镇痛效果。


7. **抗过敏**:紫草中的多糖具有抗过敏作用。

### 使用紫草的注意事项:

1. **过敏测试**:在使用紫草或其制品(如紫草油、紫草软膏)前,建议进行皮肤过敏测试,避免出现过敏反应。

2. **正确使用**:紫草油或紫草软膏主要用于外用,不应口服。在使用时,应按照说明书或医生指导进行。

3. **避免误用**:紫草油、紫草软膏等外用药不能用于口服,误用可能会产生不良反应。

4. **注意染色**:紫草油等制品可能染色,使用时应避免接触衣物和床单,一旦染上应及时清洗。

5. **避免交叉感染**:使用紫草油或紫草软膏时,应确保患处清洁,避免细菌感染。

6. **孕妇和儿童使用**:孕妇、儿童或年老体弱者使用紫草或其制品时,应在医生指导下进行。

7. **饮食注意**:使用紫草期间,避免食用辛辣刺激食物,以防加重病情。




1. **增强免疫力**:木灵芝富含的灵芝多糖等成分能够有效提高人体的免疫力,增强机体对各种疾病的抵抗力。

2. **抗肿瘤作用**:灵芝多糖是灵芝中最为有效的成分之一,它能够抑制癌细胞的扩散,提高机体免疫功能,增强患者自身的防癌、抗癌能力。

3. **保护心血管系统**:木灵芝中的成分能够扩张冠状动脉,增加冠状动脉血流量,软化血管,改善心肌微循环,增强心肌供血和供氧能力,对于心血管疾病有预防和辅助治疗的作用。

4. **抗衰老**:木灵芝中的多糖、多肽等成分可以促进细胞核内DNA合成,增加细胞活力,同时清除体内自由基,延缓人体衰老。

5. **保肝护肝**:木灵芝对肝脏的保护作用显著,可以促进肝脏对药物和毒物的代谢,消除肝脏不适症状,改善肝脏功能。

6. **调节神经系统**:灵芝中的成分有助于调节神经系统,预防和治疗神经疾病,如失眠、抑郁等。

7. **改善睡眠**:灵芝中的成分有助于改善睡眠质量,对失眠有很好的辅助治疗作用。

8. **提高机体耐缺氧能力**:木灵芝可以提高机体耐缺氧能力,有助于改善高原反应等症状。

9. **抗氧化**:木灵芝中的成分能有效清除自由基,具有抗氧化作用,有助于预防氧化应激导致的疾病。


10. **辅助治疗慢性病**:对于慢性疾病,如慢性肝炎、脂肪肝等,木灵芝具有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **护颜养颜**:柑橘普洱茶中富含的微量元素和维生素有助于美容养颜,长期饮用可以使肌肤更具光泽。

2. **护齿健齿**:柑橘普洱茶中的活性成分可以在口腔中起到清洁作用,帮助去除口腔异味,保护牙齿,预防口腔疾病。

3. **护肝理气**:柑橘普洱茶中的芳香类物质和挥发油物质能够附着在肠胃和肝脏的黏膜上,起到保护作用,对肠胃和肝脏健康有益。


4. **降脂减肥**:普洱茶中的脂肪分解酵素有助于分解体内脂肪,排出毒素,对减肥有积极作用。

5. **降低血压和胆固醇**:柑橘普洱茶中的某些成分能够帮助降低血压和胆固醇,对心血管健康有好处。

6. **抗衰老**:柑橘普洱茶富含维生素C、E和茶多酚等,有助于补充人体细胞营养,延缓衰老。

7. **润喉利痰**:柑橘普洱茶对于缓解干咳、润喉利痰有很好的效果。

8. **暖胃抗寒**:普洱茶性温和,适合胃寒的人群饮用,有助于暖胃抗寒。

9. **促进新陈代谢**:柑橘普洱茶能加快肠胃蠕动,促进消化液的分泌,有助于新陈代谢。

10. **解酒解烟毒**:柑橘普洱茶能促进乙醇代谢,有助于减少酒醉后的危害,并能解烟毒。

11. **消食通便**:饮用柑橘普洱茶有助于消化,防止食物积滞,改善便秘。


The battle went on for an hour, and there was a strange scene on the battlefield. Two guilds, Dragon and Tiger, were encircling the night and the other guild’s guild’s black screen. Three groups of people stared at the Emperor’s mercenary group. Although the Emperor only had 4,000 people and the black screen three groups had more than 10,000 people, they did not take advantage of the Emperor’s body. It is said that the Emperor’s mercenary group is superior to the black screen in terms of individual quality and attack skills.

Zhu Feng anxiously waited for those groups to call the night station, but unfortunately there was no news. If you call your station in this way, you will lose it. Now a small number of players, the Fashion Group and the Fuhu Association, are trying to get back to the place. The Yongsheng Group in the distance is resisting the attack of the Emperor, and the situation is not optimistic.
At this moment, a message was announced that shocked all players in Qinglong City: "The Black Screen Guild successfully attacked the Night Guild, and the Night Guild Station was occupied automatically."
Zhu Feng finally waited for this moment. He sent a message to the sheets and said, "You don’t really want to pretend to attack the guild in Sihaijia, do you understand?"
The sheets sent back a message saying, "Knowing is to scare them. I’ll go there and their station is not far from here."
Now all the players in Qinglong City are talking about this matter. They are very surprised to hit others on the black screen. They are good at sneak attack in the early hours of the morning. Why is it in the daytime to play a large guild now?
"The elder brothers see the news? The old guild was taken by the black screen at night. "
"I can’t get through your news. Now it’s dark at night. Why don’t you come and see?"
"It’s really a black screen to hit a small guild in the early morning, and it’s incredibly daring to hit a big guild."
Cold-blooded Mo was silly when he saw the announcement. He sent a message to Changfeng asking, "What the hell are you doing? What, 10 thousand people were called by the black screen? How do you defend the station? "
Soon he received a message from Changfeng, "They came to nine groups and there are 10,000 of us." After reading the message, the cold-blooded Mo was almost crazy. He got up and chatted in the world and shouted, "Are you MD crazy when farmers go to town? We have seven guilds playing black screen, and you MD asked nine groups to play my station? Are you crazy to send them out when you don’t let them come back to defend? You MD is crazy. "
Zhu Feng insidious smile chatted in the world and shouted, "Haha, where did this just go?" Come to attack our black screen today, and don’t sum up our black screen flag if there is one left in your compound. "
Several other bosses trembled when they heard his words. At this time, the boss of the four countries, Yin flourishes while Yang declines, saw the news from his hands and the farmers talking in the city. He shouted, "Brothers, come back to the station. Our station was ambushed." In fact, he had already retired to help the night. There was no benefit at all. He didn’t say that seven guilds had played a black screen together, but now his guild was attacked again, which made him regret that he had come to help the night offend such a cattle guild.
Angry and cold-blooded, don’t see the four seas guild evacuated from the resident foreign world to chat and curse "Yin flourishes while Yang declines. Are you scared by farmers entering the city?" You run away when he says something? It’s so unethical. If you don’t help us call this station at night now, one goal may be you. "
Yin flourishes while Yang flourishes, and now I’m chatting in the angry world and cursing, "Say I’m not moral? I’ve been calling for you for over an hour. What else? Just now, I sent a message saying that I was attacked by the Black Screen Guild, so I can’t even go back to my post? Your MD wants to be moral. Now go and help me keep my post? "
Although these bosses are chatting and cursing, those players never stop attacking the enemy in front of them, change the magic and continue to urge the skills to make the skills.
Several other guild bosses heard that the station was attacked and wondered if it would be my turn. At this time, they saw the words of farmers entering the city. "I’m giving you a chance. If you leave the station now and promise not to mess with our black screen guild, then we’ll settle down. If you don’t retreat, it’s your turn."
Several guild leaders present are weighing the pros and cons in their minds. They are thinking that if they fight against the black screen one-on-one at night, there will be no chance. Now their station has been taken over by others, and I am helping him in this way. It is myself who suffers.
Chatting with the world in the final battle, he said, "Our Fuhu guild strongly supports the black screen, even if there is only one farmer left in their guild who goes to town, we will support them."
The embodiment of power is also chatting with the world and shouting, "So is our Dragon-Dragon Guild."
Going to MD to evacuate a few bosses shouted in the guild, "Brothers, hurry back to the defense station and be careful that those groups of people with black screens will sneak up on us."
Zhu Feng saw that some guilds had retreated and quickly added fire. "The three guild brothers killed those who were evacuated from the station. We don’t want to chase them away."
A few bosses who haven’t run far have seen the world chatting and thought, oh, my God, thanks to Laoying’s running time.
At this time, there are only two guilds, Elysium and Orient Express, who are supporting the Night Emperor’s mercenaries. After this battle, what is the black screen? That’s their own business. Elysium boss said in cold-blooded Mo’s ear, "Brother, it’s still three hours away from getting the station back. We strongly support you."
Seeing that the boss of Orient Express also nodded his head, he was cold-blooded and did not waver. Either go back now and still hope to get the station back, or call the black screen guild station here. Seven trade unions didn’t take three guilds. Now it’s even more difficult. If you can’t get it, your guild’s more than 40 thousand brothers can go home. Why don’t you withdraw now and let the players watching the game outside not laugh to death? Forget it. It’s still the 40 thousand brothers.
"I’m not going to say much about the two words of thanks. Tell your brothers to help us fight back the station." Cold-blooded Mo said to the two guild bosses around him and shouted at the guild, "Night Brothers, let’s go get the station back."
Zhu Feng saw that the Night Man was going to retreat in the guild and kept shouting, "Yongsheng Group brothers went out to chase them and kill them, and they went to the fashion group and image endorsement station one kilometer away from the station." Then he said to Zhantian, "Brother, thank you for helping us to keep the station. I have to go and violently equip them."
On the day of the decisive battle, he smiled and nodded, thinking that this little guy was really abnormal and asked others to help him defend his post and make a fortune himself.
The fire dragon has been staring at Mo’s cold-blooded behavior. When he saw him retreating with people, he was very disappointed and shook his head. Then the world chatted and shouted, "Farmers come to the city. Your guild is really strong, challenging and to my liking. Now the entrusting people have retreated, and our mercenary corps is over, but the two of us are not finished yet. I will come to you later and ask your brothers to retreat."
When the Emperor’s mercenaries saw the head of the regiment say this, they all ran to the outside of the station. A few good people walked alone in one direction. Others in the regiment were like strangers. Long Qiyue took Yongsheng group to hunt down the night players. Ten thousand people were running in front of them and thousands of people were chasing behind them to form a strange picture.’
When the night people are out of combat, it’s not that they are afraid of death, but that the boss decides to be dissatisfied with himself. It’s fucking cowardly that nearly 30 thousand people should be chased by thousands of people behind them
The three groups of black screen cheered, even though they dropped one level, they were very excited. Seven guilds attacked their own stations, and as a result, we still defended so many MD bulls. How cool is it to say this?
Zhu Feng sent a message to the sheets at his own station. "The night people have gone back. Don’t fight all over the world. Go and meet the skeleton. They must hold the station and don’t let them fight back." After sending the message, he looked at the surrounding scene. The original houses were destroyed and turned into ruins. The walls on both sides also collapsed. Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Alas, the repair is not a small sum."
At this time, Xiaohui came over and asked, "Is Laodayun an enemy or a friend?"
"How many people did she kill us?" Zhu Feng asked coldly.
"I didn’t see her kill anyone, but I saw her beside the fire dragon."
Zhu Feng nodded and said, "You go to the city to apply for repairing the resident wall and the houses inside from the guild." Xiaohui nodded and walked to the delivery staff.
He turned to the hero and said, "During this period, we should pay close attention to the training night and there will be no movement for the time being."
"They can attack the compound back? And we want those people from all over the world to have nowhere to live. "The hero asked puzzled."
Zhu Feng thief smiled and said, "Who wants their headquarters? I let the sheets go to Sihai’s home to pretend to be just to scare them. I didn’t expect them to be so timid. "
On the day of the decisive battle, he frowned and asked, "So you calculated that they would do this and then deliberately let me act?"
Zhu Feng insidious smile said, "I know that the boss of the four seas must be afraid of joint and several other bosses. Aren’t they afraid to occupy their headquarters when they see that our strength is so strong? They’re bound to run. Once they run, they won’t be in the mood to fight at night …
After listening to him, everyone stepped back. They looked at each other and knew what each other was thinking. They must be thinking that this animal is so insidious.

The equipment characteristics can activate the soul attribute of the battle song suit only when the equipment is equipped with a handshake and blood marks (shoes)

Equipment skills lightning thunderbolt hand
After the lightning bolt hand starts the skill, the equipment will get the amazing hand speed like flint, the cooldown of all attack skills will be 45 minutes, and the cooldown of special state skills will be doubled for 1 second.
Soul attribute physical attack power+2% magic defense power+15%
Equipment level 2 to 4
Actually, it is a purple equipment, and its attributes are still so good. Although this equipment is not exclusive professional equipment, it should be more suitable for melee physical attack occupations, especially for assassins. However, there is no assassin occupation in the team now, and it is finally decided to adopt the melee occupation roll point.
For this kind of thing, the cat is the favorite of a panacea profession, and he can participate in almost all the roll points, and so is the melee physics profession this time.
However, in the end, the result of the roll point was not the last laugh. In the end, this purple armguard was successfully rolled by the old cat. Speaking of it, this is also a good thing. At least with this armguard, the old cat can equip skills to reduce the cooldown of attack skills, so that his super killer skills, dragons and phoenixes, are even sharper.
The last piece of equipment was expected by everyone and finally appeared.
Gray Fog Shield (Orange) Defense 29943 Magic Royal 35644
_ ____w_ w_ w___ __ _o_m
Blood volume+4
Block success rate+15%
Additional Attribute 1 Constitution+1
2 spirit+
3 Critical Strike Resistance+5%
4 each successful block will be superimposed for 3 minutes, and the 5% physical defense and magic defense bonus can be superimposed by 3%.
5 Curse skill resistance+5%
Every successful block has a 5% chance to clear the cursed state and a 5% chance to reflect the cursed state back to the performer.
Equipment Mosaic Hole Quantity 2 (Not Mosaic)
Equipment special effects After equipping this shield, the deputy will show a gray smoky effect. In this effect, all shield launching skills will get a special effect of interrupting the opponent’s casting by 65%.
Equipment skill rotating flying shield
When the rotating flying shield passes the 15-second guidance, the shield in your hand will be thrown out of the shield, which will make a rotating strike in the middle. It will hit the most opponents within 1 meter of the center of the equipment, so that the attacked person will enter a state of dizziness for 2 seconds, and the skill will cool down for 3 minutes.
Equipment classes all two-turn knight classes
Exclusive professional attributes damage sacred races or occupations by+15%; In darkness or fog, the equipment’s visual range+5 and movement speed+5.
Equipment level 2 to 4
This shield naturally belongs to Grandet. Although the guy in the cat wanted this shield very much, it should be given to the first M in Grandet’s team.
Besides, the other equipment of Grandet is not bad, but the shield has always been very bad. It is estimated that the blue shield of Grandet will feel sad after being seen by other knights.
Now Grandet has finally got a shield with good attributes, which makes Grandet even more happy. The skill called "rotating flying shield" is actually a group control skill
After reading the five pieces of equipment exploded by two boss, it can be regarded as a happy thing in general. Two sets of purple suits have been assembled and an orange equipment has been successfully synthesized.
Next, it’s up to a boss to show those two skills.
Riptide Net (rare) This skill is unique in the moat of Qingluan City. However, with the death of the evil river eel demon, this stunt has been completely lost. Fortunately, it has left such a secret book to use its own magic to motivate the power of thunder and water in the gas to cause two damage to all enemies within 2 meters ahead. The first time, the mixed damage of water and physical elements is 15 times. All the attacked ones have a 1% chance to enter the fixed state for 15 seconds. The second time, the lightning damage is 1 time. All the attacked people have a 5% chance to enter a state of paralysis ranging from 13 seconds and consume 1 magic point. You need a professional thunder mage or frost mage for 15 minutes when the skill cools down.
The basic three-type (special) skill is the most basic attack reinforcement, which includes three attack skill modes: [heavy chop], [sweeping] and [stabbing]. [heavy chop] motivates its own magic to lead the body to cause a heavy blow to the enemy, causing 12 times physical damage to an enemy in front; [Sweep] Motivate one’s own magic to guide one’s body strength to sweep one degree ahead, causing 15 times physical damage to at most five opponents in the range of 3 meters and one degree ahead; [Spit] Motivate your own magic to guide your body to stab a fatal blow to the enemy in front, causing 125 times physical damage to an enemy in front. This attack has a 33% chance of crit [heavy chop] and [sudden stab] modes, which cost 5 points of magic, and [sweep] consumes 1 point of magic. "Slash" and "Stab" skills cool down for 15 seconds. "Sweep" skills cool down for 1 second, which requires all physical attack classes.
Of these two skills, the basic three types are directly given to this guy.
I really don’t want to say that this skill is really designed for him. Although this skill is negligible in the general physics profession, for the mechanical master who has almost no means of attack, this skill directly adds three kinds of melee means to him, and the magic consumption of these three means of attack is so small, which further strengthens the combat endurance of this guy.

"What? Report Qiu Nan? "Li Chu eyes almost didn’t stick out that he really didn’t expect.

He quickly reached out and picked up the desk envelope, and his hand stopped when he was about to take the tip-off letter out of the envelope.
"Lao Gao, this is against the rules, isn’t it, Comrade Ding Qiunan? My love, I want to avoid suspicion. Besides, I am no longer a member of the hospital Committee, and I can’t read this letter."
Li Chu, who was involved in his wife, lost his sense of proportion for a while. He reacted fairly quickly.
Speaking, he put the tip-off letter back on the table.
I’ll go to the meeting just from tomorrow. If necessary, I’ll go back to the office at headquarters after the meeting.
Li Chu is 1000% confident about his wife, so he doesn’t believe that she will make mistakes.
It can be said that even if he made a mistake himself, Ding Qiunan could not make a mistake.
She is the kind of person who can’t even take a piece of paper back from the hospital.
Because of the root, you don’t need everything at home, and you don’t need money or things. Why take advantage of that little advantage?
All he has to say is to show his high profile.
High political commissar smiled and waved, "Lao Li, don’t be too sensitive to show you this tip-off. There’s no other meaning. The head of the headquarters is over there or I’m here. We simply don’t believe that Comrade Ding Qiunan will make such an outrageous mistake."
This is an anonymous tip-off, and as you know in our system, we will ignore such anonymous tip-offs without detailed and reliable evidence. "
This is true. If you want to check everything, first, comrades in the supervision department may be busy to death. Second, do comrades still need to work normally and guard against villains all day? There is no offence in working.
When the supervised department encounters this anonymous tip-off letter, it will ignore the address events when there is no evidence or the details of the reported person’s crime or mistake are not listed.
But if it’s a real name report, it’s different. That must be investigated clearly
Like the time when Xiang-yang Guo reported Li Chu people, that is, the real name report must be investigated.
But he didn’t expect to get himself in the end.
Take a look at Lao Li and see if you can tell who wrote it.
This makes it difficult for Li Chu to pick up Joe. He can pick up the letter again.
The letter is very simple, but it is also very unexpected to Li Chu. It is no wonder that no matter whether it is a level or a high political commissar, the root of this letter is not the person who wrote it.
There is only one thing to report Ding Qiunan in the letter, and that is the private bus.
It can also be said that he actually reported both Li Chu and Ding Qiunan in this letter.
Because the letter said that the bus was the one in Li Chu.
And the private is the construction period. Sometimes Ding Qiunan needs to go out, and often she just asks Tian Jun to send her. Sometimes she drives out by herself.
In the middle, Ding Qiunan once took this car to a restaurant for dinner.
If the hospital looks at the matter of Li Chu’s car, it should be awarded a banner, because she saves the hospital cars and fuel.
After all, Li Chu’s refueling is not from the hospital.
However, the reporter did not understand one thing, that is, the Audi 1 is not a bus.
If it’s the previous Volga, you can still lean against the private side of the bus.
Now this Audi is awarded by the commercial department to Li Churen and has been submitted for approval step by step. It can be said that the whole car is a private car except for the license plate.
Moreover, at present, it is the business department that brought those gas tickets with it when giving the car, and did it follow the bus?
So his report is not established at all.
"Hehe" This letter made Li Chu happy.
He smiled and shook his head, stuffed the letter back into the envelope and put it on the table.
High political commissar also smiled and took the cup to drink saliva.
"What did Lao Li find after reading it? 「
"Lao Gao, do you mean this person or do you mean it personally? 」
Instead of answer his question, Li Chu asked.
"Er … it can be said that the main meaning is to find out what he really thinks. It’s still so-called just because he doesn’t like it, but if he has other ideas, it’s another story."
That’s right. If the whistleblower is honest, he really doesn’t like Ding Qiunan. Li Chuche thinks that she is a private bus all day. That’s because he doesn’t know the truth.
But if it’s because of other problems and you want revenge, it’s another matter
Chapter one hundred and sixty-three Poor
Li Chu armchair frowning along while didn’t speak.
At first glance, he recognized who wrote the letter.
It’s the people in the hospital. Yes, it can be said that he can find out the corresponding people one by one when 10% of the people in the hospital write the words, and the remaining 20% are the recruits who come from the logistics guard battalion every year.
According to the trend of each stroke, is this writer used to write with his left hand, which has to make Li Chu doubt his heart
It is also very accidental to be able to recognize this person’s left hand handwriting.
Once Li Chu arrived late at a hospital meeting, and when he came in through the back door of the conference room and walked forward, he found that this man was sitting in the back and writing with his left hand. The strokes were quite beautiful, which is why he was more impressed.
When I typed the letter just now, I saw that a stroke of the board was in orthography, and he recognized it at once.
However, it is because of this person’s identity that Li Chu is more suspicious of his motives
"It’s the logistics old song."
"Who? "High commissar carrying cup almost didn’t fall to the ground.
Li Chu didn’t speak again but looked at the letter on the table.
"How can it be him? 」
Who is Lao Song? Deputy director of logistics Song is in charge of infrastructure co-management medical waste warehouse.
"If I am not mistaken, this letter was written by his left hand." Li Chu reached out and knocked on the letter twice.

After Walcott left, Princess Murphy returned to the sacred temperament. She looked at Ye Zhang several times and then said,

"Little whirlwind, now that your divine blessing has reached level 3, you have officially become a qualified holy judge. Once I tell you that the sacred judge’s duty is your sister’s."
Ye Zhang a fiercely in the heart, he had a presentiment that there will be a harvest today.
"It is the undead who destroy the undead."
"Yes, whatever your purpose is, but don’t talk to the dead."
Murphy’s tone suddenly became extremely sharp. When she saw Ye Zhang nervous, she smiled again.
"Now I’ll give you a chance to pick up three strokes and I’ll make you a real holy judge!"
"Sheqi Shengguan Road 2 resisted Murphy’s three attacks."
Ye Zhang got a fright. How many levels does Princess Murphy want him to resist three attacks by the 13-level super BOSS3?
But at this time, the sacred valley hall has become a battle martial arts hall, and Princess Murphy has occupied the front of Zhang Ye. At this time, her temperament has completely changed, like a drawn sword.
Ye Zhang wry smile this is really an impossible task.
Chapter sixty-seven Yes
Princess Murphy’s first attack put Ye Zhang in great danger
The curse!
Princess Murphy actually released a spell with one hand, which is not a skill that players can learn, but a proprietary skill of BOSS.
Ye Zhang started the divine blessing without thinking at the same time, and in order to save his life, he started the aura of undead judgment. Although the aura of undead judgment can reduce the sacred attribute attack by 1%, it is also considered to reduce the damage.
A damage of up to 2 occurred in Zhang Ye’s head.
Not dead? !
Ye Zhang looked at his blood volume. At this time, he took the title of LV1 beyond the limit, with a level of 37. His health value was 31, which barely resisted the blow.
Princess Murphy is too strong, although she is a separate figure, but the damage is not measurable now. Before he can add blood, Murphy will die, and the second attack has arrived.
Ye Zhang almost had a brainwave. He knew he couldn’t be beaten passively any more. One who could react and stab came out. He jumped directly behind Princess Murphy.
"Shimmerfeld is divided into epidemic control skills!"
At this time, Ye Zhang doesn’t care whether the opponent is under epidemic control or not. He knows that he has escaped the second move because the second move is a level 5 paralyzing beam with a disabling effect, which can reduce a player’s sacred resistance by 5%. A heavy blow to the opponent is the flare 3 turn skill.
The good times didn’t last long. The stab actually fell into a cooling state. Ye Zhang felt that Princess Murphy was going to make a big move.
See princess Murphy appeared around five balls flashing with sacred breath, forming a unique sacred force field. Just as Ye Zhang did nothing, Princess Murphy moved five balls again and sent out a longitudinal Lian Heng reflection beam to each other.
Several beams of light hit Ye Zhang’s body, and he was ready to fail, but God gave him a joke that made him crazy enough.
"Divine blessing level reaches level 4, radius increases by 5 and damage decreases by 3. If the object is an undead, the effect range is doubled and the strength of the undead is reduced by 15%."
"When the holy blessing level reaches level 5, the radius increases by 5 and the damage is reduced by 4. If the object is an undead, the effect range is doubled, and the strength of the undead is reduced by 2% and lasts for 1 second."
The divine blessing directly reached level 5 after the beam collided and absorbed the divine energy crazily, and after reaching level 5, the divine blessing rose for a whole second.
"Yes, you did it!"
Princess Murphy came to Zhang Ye’s front after being released from combat. She reached out and touched Ye Zhang’s forehead. The sacred breath shone on Zhang Ye’s body and baptized his soul.
"Indication attribute limit 3 lucky +1 level limit 6 holy cutting effect increase to get holy light skill level 1, so that small team members can gain continuous recovery ability for 1 second and cool down for 3 seconds."
Ye Zhang gradually calmed down from the excitement, and he clicked his own property bar to be shaken again.
At the top of his property bar, there are two more properties, and the lucky value property is finally visible
Sure enough, at this time, his lucky value should have reached the limit. According to the estimated point, luck will explode when playing level 45 monsters.
And the other attribute is personality. At this time, his personality is average. This attribute makes Ye Zhang very new. I don’t know what will happen after the personality attribute changes.
Since the lucky attribute has reached the limit, there is no need to stack so much luck. You know, the total lucky value that Ye Zhang can achieve at present is 111. Now the miser ring is a 25-level hidden gold equipment. Except for the 2-point increase in the attribute, the magic weapon skill has little effect on Ye Zhang.
It seems that it is necessary to get a suit of equipment, so Zhang Ye thought.
Farewell from Princess Murphy, Ye Zhang came to the gate of Sirius’ lair.
At this time, the sacred valley is still a player, but it is too difficult to pass through the ruins of Gore. After reaching level 3, the main city of Tramayi and the elegant tribe of Fenggu will open two other level 3 vice-players, which is where the players will go.
Sirius Nest As the name suggests, this is the territory of Sirius 3. Ye Zhang is more nervous to enter here alone at this time. He has never experienced it alone.
Attracted three strange Ye Zhang is still pounding and pounding again. He hasn’t been out of the spell skill learning worker for several days, and his spell plan has been stranded. At this time, he is also playing very hard in the face of level 3 Sirius.
Fortunately, he now has a level 5 divine blessing to reduce the damage for 4 days, and the Wolf Root Method has caused him a little damage.
After touching out a 3 gold wristband, Ye Zhang saw that the attribute needed agility, so he took it directly and continued walking inside.
Ye Zhang’s slow playing is mainly because he waits for the skill to cool down. Every time he fights monsters, he will activate the holy light skill and continue to add blood to himself. Unfortunately, his intelligence attribute is too low, and the therapeutic effect is very insignificant.
It seems that we should get ourselves an intelligence ring, and by the way, we should rely on the ring’s intelligence attribute to upgrade, and also get a few pieces of intelligence equipment to prepare for learning skills and spells at the same time.
Ye Zhang has no emphasis on his equipment. He almost wears what he thinks.
It took more than an hour for Ye Zhang to come to the territory of the 35-level elite strange furious Sirius. This wolf can’t help but say that it is huge and almost catching three dogs. The small Ye Zhang is not enough to compete with it.
But the monster still wants to fight, but Zhang Ye just found out that something was wrong.
I can’t move this elite monster, which makes Ye Zhang feel better than wondering that the level 2 suppression attack is not too low. At this time, Ye Zhang gradually arrived at the four pillars around the furious Sirius. It seems that it is necessary to crack these seals first.
But Ye Zhang Naidi found himself attracted to the BOSS hatred and couldn’t commit suicide.